Bug testers

Margaret needs some bug testers for the shop. While sales are going through, there are some issues with the seller piece caused by us moving from a host using PHP 4 to one using PHP 5. If you could help us poke around and see what’s going on, please post a reply here and make sure your email in your user file here is up to date.

This is one of those stress-y rush things–if you can help out, we’ll both be really grateful.

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5 responses to “Bug testers”

  1. Holly Avatar

    The bookstore works. I’m going to have to add up authors’ pay by hand this month, most likely, but the automated author payment is the only part of the store that isn’t working right now.

  2. TJ Avatar

    Quick question for you, Holly. Is it safe to buy things from the store or not? I’ve been meaning to make a couple of purchases for awhile now.

  3. TJ Avatar

    If there’s something you still need done, contact me. I should have time to help today.

  4. PolarBear Avatar

    Happy to do what I can.

  5. Mo_olelo Avatar

    Let me know what I do and I’ll help.

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