Bought Time

I’ve asked for an received another two weeks to do the revisions. While I could have had the book at its existing length in on time (March 1st), I’ve discovered that there are two areas where I want to be able to add significant length–my best guess is about 20,000 additional words. Those two areas are The Cryptic Monster, and The Mysterious Boy. Yes, vague hints and teases again. But no spoilers, because spoilers suck.

And sent along my favorite visual scene to see if it would be usable as cover art. If not I’ll dig through the manuscript and find another, but I have my fingers crossed.

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One response to “Bought Time”

  1. D.RobertPease Avatar

    Sounds great! More words is good!

    BTW, I’ve wondered about suggesting scenes for the cover. I definitely have a scene in my head that I think would be great for the cover of my current project, but wasn’t sure if publishers pay any attention to authors in that respect.

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