Today, The Ruby Key and the second novel in the series sold to Orchard Books, a subsidiary of Scholastic. I’m thrilled.
The first books I ever selected and bought for myself were Scholastic books, back in the late 1960’s when teachers passed around little 4-8 page catalogs to each student. My mother usually gave me a dollar to pick out the books I wanted, and I usually managed to get three or four books for that, being even then both budget conscious and determined to get the best books I could for the money. I have wonderful memories of great books like Ciphers, Codes and Secret Writing, The Marvelous Inventions of Alvin Fernald, and many more.
I always wanted the girls in the stories I read to be heroic, smart, and the main characters in great adventures, and I am ecstatic to be able now to write the books I wanted to read back then.
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