Big, Wonderful News

Today, The Ruby Key and the second novel in the series sold to Orchard Books, a subsidiary of Scholastic. I’m thrilled.

The first books I ever selected and bought for myself were Scholastic books, back in the late 1960’s when teachers passed around little 4-8 page catalogs to each student. My mother usually gave me a dollar to pick out the books I wanted, and I usually managed to get three or four books for that, being even then both budget conscious and determined to get the best books I could for the money. I have wonderful memories of great books like Ciphers, Codes and Secret Writing, The Marvelous Inventions of Alvin Fernald, and many more.

I always wanted the girls in the stories I read to be heroic, smart, and the main characters in great adventures, and I am ecstatic to be able now to write the books I wanted to read back then.

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26 responses to “Big, Wonderful News”

  1. Chassit Avatar

    That’s incredible, Holly! I remember my favorite books were from Scholastic. The Animorphs series and the Goosebumps series were by Scholastic if I’m not mistaken.

  2. Gabriele Avatar

    Thanks Bettye,

    good idea to sell books in schools; that way also kids who don’t know books from home may start reading them.

  3. Angelique Avatar

    Incredible news!! You must be thrilled 🙂

  4. klharrds21 Avatar

    Ah I see. I though Bloomsbury published in the US too. [Shrugs shoulders] You live and learn.

  5. Holly Avatar

    Bloomsbury is the British Harry Potter publisher. Scholastic is the American publisher.

  6. klharrds21 Avatar

    Really, I thought Harry Potter was published by Bloomsbury Publishing. Is Scholastic/Orchard Books one of their imprints? I’ve never heard of it. I shall have to look out for it in the future.

  7. Kaitiana Avatar

    Congratulations! What exciting news for you. Good luck in this new market. I’m sure you’ll do well! =)

  8. Bettye Avatar

    Please, enlighten an ignorant German, what exactly is Scholastica? A publisher specialising in children’s and YA books?

    Yes, even better though Scholastic sells books in most of the schools as well as bookstores and various online sources.

  9. heather Avatar

    Congratulations! That’s excellent news. 🙂

  10. Gabriele Avatar

    That sounds great!

    Please, enlighten an ignorant German, what exactly is Scholastica? A publisher specialising in children’s and YA books?

  11. kalliope Avatar

    Congratulations! I’m happy to hear that we’ll get to see The Ruby Key after all. The old snippet you posted a while back was an effective and enticing teaser!

  12. PolarBear Avatar

    Cool. I didn’t really want to have to kidnap or bribe any children. (grin)

  13. shay Avatar

    congrats holly, i remember seeing scholastic books in the school’s book club magazine, hope these sell well for you 🙂

  14. Rick Avatar

    Minor correction, Holly – Spiderwick is published through Simon & Schuster.

    Besides that – this is amazing news! I remember getting some of my favorite books ever from those Scholastic catalogues. I’ll definitely be keeping an eye out.

    Congratulations on this. You deserve it.

  15. joelysue Avatar

    Oooh, this sounds wonderful! Huge congrats! I can’t wait for my girls to read these (and me of course.)

  16. arainsb123 Avatar

    That’s marvelous! I’ll be buying your Ruby Key books for my two youngest siblings (and will read them myself; as Harry Potter illustrated, readers of all ages can enjoy good YA).

    Also, just to make sure you got my email a few days ago: I’m doing a giveaway to promote my newsletter, and one of the books I’m giving away is Hunting the Corrigan’s Blood, at my Website,

  17. Holly Avatar

    Distribution—They will be available in bookstores and other regular channels. Remember, Scholastic is the publisher of the Harry Potter books, The Spiderwick Chronicles, Artemis Fowl, Inkheart and Inkspell, and other series.

  18. Mari Avatar

    That’s wonderful news!!! Congrats, Holly.


  19. Bettye Avatar

    (For those us us without elementary school-age kids of our own — I’ll do a lot to buy your books, but having kids is just too far.)
    Simple, adopt a teacher.
    Go to your local elementary school and volunteer to do a short program about being a writer (or any other subject you think might do) for the school.
    Offer to work an hour a week in the school library.
    These are all good advertising AND you get your chance to go to the annual Scholastic bookfair.

  20. TinaK Avatar

    Holly, that is wonderful news. My daughter hits 6th grade this year and they still get the Scholastic book forms. We’ll be looking for your newest!

  21. PolarBear Avatar

    And I suppose the only way to get these great books would be to kidnap a couple of elementary school kids and bribe them to buy them for us, or are there other avenues available? (For those us us without elementary school-age kids of our own — I’ll do a lot to buy your books, but having kids is just too far.)

  22. Bettye Avatar

    I’m a little old for the Scholastic program but when my kids brought home their catalogs I’d buy books for myself as well as them.
    A good story is a good story regardless of age bracket it is written for.
    Regarding childrens books here’s a question for all of you-
    Who is the protagonist in The Black Stallion?

  23. PolarBear Avatar

    I still have Codes and Secret Writings. What a great book.

    Congratulations! Wonderful news.

  24. beckyb Avatar


    Those reasons you listed were the reasons I ended up in Fantasy & Science Fiction at the library as opposed to young adult. But if I can find it in YA I’ll read it, and I’ll definitely be reading your two and however many more are to come.

    It was actually a Scholastic catalouge book that got me STARTED writing–How to Write Scary Stories. I never actually did most of the exercises in the book, but it got me online looking for writing sites, and I found yours.

    I wish I could have gotten 3 books for a dollar. I just found work at the local pizza place to fund my book expenses…

  25. TJ Avatar

    That’s wonderful! It really wasn’t all that long ago for me, but I remember being all excited when we got the Scholastic brochures. I always wanted to order everything.

  26. acoupland Avatar


    These books should hit the Scholastic circular when my daughter hits 4th grade–perfect timing, in my mind. I’ll be looking for them in her backpack in a year or so.

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