Beta of Next Month’s Challenge Now Available

I’m amazed at how many hours this thing has managed to devour over the last few days. It’s still in beta — all of the essential “how-to” stuff is still missing, but I’ll be adding it over the next week or so. In the meantime, however, you can go take a look at Broegga and make comments and ask questions about what is there right now.

Meanwhile, Talyn is making nice strides. More on that after I get through this current tricky scene. Maybe a snippet, too.

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4 responses to “Beta of Next Month’s Challenge Now Available”

  1. Linda Avatar

    Me, too!

  2. Steven Swain Avatar
    Steven Swain

    Oh, I’m SO in.

  3. Sheila Avatar

    You’re evil. I’m in. 🙂

  4. Robert A. Sloan Avatar
    Robert A. Sloan

    Took a look at the page and that is going to rock! Woot!

    Been getting some ideas already for it, given what you already have. You sketched out the human chronology but I’m reminded of how many interesting fossils were found in England in chalk cliffs and similar deposits. It’s not Earth, so it might be fun to see what weak magic did to the prehuman periods. Also, before barbarians it probably had a seriously long prehistory with human remains and mysterious uncaptioned spirals and whatnot.

    The other idea was building up a very ancient scriptorium where I could apply all the hobby lore of parchment and pigments — and medieval structures. Surely somewhere there were Ancients and where there were Ancients with lore, you get someone carefully making a new parchment copy every 500 years or so as the old one wears out.

    And maybe following folklore like only making the parchment from the skin of a black ram slaughtered on the particular winter day for the purpose and using only this sort of ink and that pigment… because somewhere in the pile of stuff that’s too boring for anyone but copyists is lore that real mages would get very excited about, if they knew half the information was in traditional folkloric border patterns…

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