BASHTYK NOKYD takes a nosedive…

Monster In The ClosetThere comes a point in every series where things go wrong.

No. Let me make that a bit clearer.

There comes a point in every series where things go “monster-jumps-out-of-your-closet-and-bites-your-head-off” wrong.

I have met the monster, and it is Bashtyk Nokyd Takes The Longview.

And here’s the thing. Even after you’re wandering around with your head chomped off, the series must go on.

The Dark Side…

I’m stalled. BAD. I have hit the wall and the wall has hit me—and the wall is in great shape.

Lucky wall.


In How To Write A Series, we were already going to spend Module 3 on Special Case Series Development.

Well, now I know what the first lesson is going to be:

MODULE THREE, Lesson 1: Chaos Theory VS. The Series Plan—Why Chaos ALWAYS Wins, and How to Turn the Tables on the Chaos Beast and Make it Work for You

What’s more, because I have to take apart what I broke anyway, so I can figure out how to get in there and fix it, I’m going to use the broken BASHTYK NOKYD as my demo, and fix it as part of the lesson.

MODULE THREE, Lesson 1 will go live for current HTWAS students ASAP, probably on Friday of this week. New students will get it as soon as they catch up with the rest of the class, which currently takes about a month.

Once I’ve figured out my fix, of course, I have to go back to writing the story. It may not be complete by the time I officially open Module 3 on Tuesday, January 6th. But it will be complete and published by the time the finished story comes into play in class.

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2 responses to “BASHTYK NOKYD takes a nosedive…”

  1. Claudette Avatar

    I’m so glad to know that my Chaos Theory of Writing is working well for others, too. I say that because I’ve been working on that theory for a while now.

    I’ve got three manuscripts that I’m trying to iron out right now and only one pertains to this course. That “wall” certainly gets around, doesn’t it?

    Still, I’ve got a shovel you can borrow to burrow under the wall. It’s really handy. I’ve been shoveling for a few weeks now and have a nice tunnel to all things future, so I can spare it for the moment. 🙂

    Seriously, it’s good to see someone else struggling to correct course. I don’t feel so alone anymore. Good luck with the ironing, too.

  2. Juneta Avatar

    You are inspiring. Thanks for sharing the fact you hit real walls too. It is reassuring for the long haul. Looking forward to the module this creates. Cheering for you. I hope it less of a headache and a lot of fun figuring it all out in the end. Cheers to you Holly.

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