Basements, attics, and the Shudder Factor – 1740 words, 71035 total

Ohio Novel Three has shifted strongly away from my updated line-for-scene outline (as they have all done in this series), but again, what I got today still managed to build on the overall five-book plan. It’s the usual issue of strategy versus tactics — the overall book strategy holds, but on the ground, the tactics have to be changeable as old scene concept get shoved aside as what I build creates better conflicts than what I was able to imagine before I built them.

So while managing tactics today, I managed to make things scarier, and creepier, and — for me — a lot more exciting to write and a lot more fun as I get to watch the story happening.

Yesterday there was a big, big surprise in a basement. I loved this bit.

Today, a portentous discovery in an attic. (This bit creeped me out.)

And tomorrow — a whiff of the traitor who is probably also a murderer.

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