I am still plodding. There are days when I can write steadily and the word fall out of my fingertips. Then there are days like these, when I can’t find the scene, or the voice, or the conflict.
My character’s conflict right now is primarily with her new owner, but secondarily with a prince who is chained to the floor outside the door of my character’s quarters. The possibilities in this seem ripe to me when I describe the set-up, and yet I cannot find the key into the scene. No piece of dialogue has worked, no consideration of what the character wants, no questioning of how I might hurt her more than I already have.
I have revisions for Claire yet to work on tonight, and I have to consider some proposals that I might offer her when she calls either tomorrow or Friday. My most recent proposal didn’t work for her, either, and I’m feeling incredibly thick-skulled at the moment. Where romance is concerned, I’m working in a language that’s foreign to me, and I’m just. Not. Getting it.
So anyway. 1500 more words to go, and then some type-in on revisions, and at some point, time with my guys.