the people who need to see the message the MOST are the ones who have stopped receiving their emails.
I’ve discovered that over the past few weeks, fewer and fewer of the e-mails you’ve requested haven’t been delivered. I started getting e-mails from people who were only getting some of their Plot Mini-Course lessons. I checked my constantly dropping mailout stats. People are signing up every day, and only a few people had unsubscribed, but hundreds of people who requested either Holly Lisle’s Writing Updates or the Plotting Mini-Course are no longer receiving them.
If you’re reading this, you’re one of an increasingly shrinking group of readers who are actually still getting the newsletter or the plot course you asked for.
So, (and yes, I’m tearing my hair out over this) I’m moving my lists from my own server to Aweber, a service which does nothing but deliver e-mail, and which therefore can afford the time to track down all the reasons why e-mails aren’t getting through.
Pity the folks who AREN’T getting this notice, and who are going to receive a message from me out of the blue, from a new e-mail address, asking them to confirm their subscription—when they know they’re already subscribed, and they didn’t sign up for anything else.
I’m going to lose hundreds of my folks. I’m pretty unhappy. And I know you’re not thrilled knowing that you’re going to have to confirm your subscription yet again in order to get the Writing Updates.
If you’re getting getting the Plot Mini-Course and all the lessons are still making it through to you, you don’t have to confirm the new course. You might want to, simply because I’ve redone all the lessons in PDF format, which will make them very nice to save and refer back to.
But so long as they’re still showing up in your mailbox, you can hang in and hope for the best. You should get a total of nine lessons, one Rate This Course survey request, and a couple of other things. If you don’t, figure your server has blocked mail from my site.
If you’re getting this from your subscription to the Writing Updates, however, THIS WILL BE THE LAST E-MAIL I send from my own site.
Pass the word if you can. I’m posting this on my weblog, too, in the hopes that some of the folks who have stopped getting their e-mails will go ahead and confirm when the Aweber message arrives.
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