My bud sent me a book on bookbinding some time ago, and I picked up one on handmade books. Things have to float around in my subconscious for a while before I figure out what to do with them, and these books were like that.
I don’t know if it was the fever, or just a connection of strange dreams and good timing, but I had this amazing idea while I was sickest—to take the moonroading background I’ve been working up in my head (for The Ruby Key and the MOON & SUN series) and do it as a painted journal written by the cat for the girl who’s the hero of the series. Ang the Cat’s Secret Guide to Moonroading. I don’t know if it’s anything Scholastic will be interested in, but if it isn’t, I can always do it as an e-book and a full-color art book on Lulu.
Today I’m doing the copyedit for Night Echoes, and it’s been one of those days. I’m not completely better yet (though Thera-flu, Cold-Eze, and other things have helped a lot), but deadlines know no mercy. The cat is purring on my shoulder as I write this, though, and I remind myself that I could as easily be at work in a hospital where everyone else is sick, too, and nobody can take sick time because then there’d be no nurses at all, and I am deeply grateful to be doing copyedits on the couch, wrapped in a blanket and sipping hot tea.
Should have this done today, should be doing copyedits on the Create a Character Clinic tomorrow. And then getting ready to give the kid some fun on Halloween.
Hope you’re doing well, and thank you for the good wishes. I appreciate them.
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