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Finished talking to Robin. The proposal I sent won’t do — while it’s a solid proposal, she pointed out places where it was too romance-y and not sufficiently suspense-y or weird. Not enough me, in her words.

She liked Brig Hafferty (from MIDNIGHT RAIN) coming back, and she liked my beleaguered EMT/paramedic main character, and some of the early plot elements I introduced, but the whole boats/ ocean/ treasure/ pirates thing is out. Instead, I’ll be incorporating the elements she thought worked well from the early part of the failed proposal, and the supernatural element (the steamy bathroom mirror thing) from the second proposal I was working on, to get to a third and decidedly creepy story entirely different from both of them.

Doing the idea generation for this outline using Inspiration, my nonverbal clustering technique, and if all else fails, a deck of Universal Waite tarot cards to work my way through this next phase.

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