Add some musical notes to that. I was out of bed at 5:43 a.m. today without the alarm. Ah, happiness — and sat down at the desk and was able to start right in on the story. Going to bed at eleven is a nuisance, but getting up before six — beautiful.
The writing, needless to say, is going well. I had a bit of an inspiration about moving my protagonists to a new location day before yesterday — decided to run with it and it’s starting to pay dividends. I got a chance to use some stuff from my late Uncle Nick — his decorating style, his place down on Las Olas in Fort Lauderdale (which I never got to go to, due to bad marriage timing with my first husband, but which most of the family stayed at once or twice). Nick is one of the relatives I miss. He was cool.
Yesteday I set up a Greymatter weblog. I’ll be closing this one down, putting it in permanent archive status, and switching over as soon as I have comments working and the template set up. I’m tired of Blogger’s bizarre outages. I’ll change the site links and just include a link back to this weblog for reference, though I think most people don’t read anything but current posts. And the last post I do on this one will be a “Continued on next blog” post, so that people coming in from other sites or blogs won’t get stranded.
Linking is both the wonder and the pain-in-the-ass of the Internet.