Auctions, and Stuff

I’m waiting for the post office’s shipping boxes to arrive. I’ll start putting auctions up on the site after they get here. I’ve created a little auction section on this site; I’ll open it up shortly.

Last night our water heater burst, flooding the laundry room and kitchen, and killing the air conditioner. If it’s not one thing, it’s another.

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6 responses to “Auctions, and Stuff”

  1. Jenne Avatar

    Sorry about your water heater and your air. We lost our air during a heat wave a few years back. Yuck. I hope things look better sooner! I’ll be watching for your auction.

  2. Holly Avatar

    Good things … well, Art Bell read my fast blast on Coast to Coast last night. 😀 That was pretty cool.

  3. Jim Avatar

    Amen. You have my thoughts, hopes, and prayers that it gets better. For all of us.

  4. shawna Avatar

    (((hugs))) Somehow methinks they’re needed. Bummer on the AC… I’ve never possessed one, but at the moment, I wish I did. (We’ve had two record-breaking temps this weekend, possibly more to come this week… and it’s already happened often enough this summer it’s beginning to be a bit old hat.)

    Imagine, though… seems like you ought to either have one big good thing or a whole pile of little good things coming your way sooner or later, just to balance things out.

  5. PolarBear Avatar

    Crud, crud, crud about the water heater domino effect.

    Good luck with the auctions.

  6. klharrds21 Avatar

    I know how you feel, we’re in the middle of a heat wave, not the best time to be relying on public transport and my car is just about to die.

    I hope the air-con can be replaced. July is not the best time to be without it.

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