Another slow, struggle-y day today working through Chapter 6

The story has taken a (planned) dark turn. MEANWHILE… I’m struggling a bit to show the conflict without going darker than I want.

And I have to be very, very careful right now NOT to let the magic run amok.

It’ll do that, you know — magic will. Run AMOK… AMOK… all over the damn place.

It will start turning pumpkins into carriages and rabbits into Deadly Vorpal Bunnies, and I don’t want to have anything to do with nightmares like that.

So… when I come in tomorrow, I’m going to spend my first writing hour just building out a dialogue for myself on what I want the rest of this book to do.

I have the outline already. I’m following it.

But my tone feels like it’s shifted, and I’m not sure I like the direction in which it’s slipped. So tomorrow might be another ‘small wordcount’ day, but if I can guarantee myself that I’m writing in the right direction, I’ll be just fine with that.

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