And Finally on to HAWKSPAR

Finally past being too pissed off to write, working on HAWKSPAR revisions now. They’re going well, and considering how little time I now have to do them, that’s a good thing.

Later today, more mowing. Got the first acre done last night, and it was wonderful. Soothing, meditative, very Tao. Mowing is a ‘chop wood, carry water’ activity, and I love it. I have two more acres to go, and this last two acres is going to have to be double-cut — once at six inches, and following that, down to two. We had to replace the dead mower, and have had a ton of rain, and now we have a jungle out back. So I’m probably good for another two days of solid work on the yard before I even consider putting in more trees and shrubs.

And lest, with my deadlines, you’re wondering how I could contemplate yard work — first, we have rattlesnakes, copperheads and watermoccasins locally, and a swamp just behind our back yard, and last year my neighbors on one side ran over a six-foot rattler with a mower, and the ones on the other side hit both a copperhead and a cottonmouth. We take short grass seriously in these parts — if you don’t, you could find the snake on your porch, instead of back in the trees where it belongs.

And second, mowing helps me write.

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