And back from yet another surgery

caduceus125Let me equivocate. I’m back-ish.

Gah. This is the first day since the most recent tongue surgery—done June 26th to widen the margins on the PREVIOUS tongue surgery—that I haven’t woken up already in pain.

I’ve been just about useless since the 26th, though I did have one really good fiction run with my Kellow story last week.

I’ve worked a smidge on the HTTS lesson revamp.

And I’m not going to say that I’m back today, either. But I am better enough today to post that I think I’ll be better enough to get back to work here pretty soon now.

How’s that for waffling? I don’t usually waffle. This has been a really rough year, though, with a bunch of surgery and a bunch of pain and a bunch of trying to get back to work before I’ve been ready.

I think possibly I’m learning not to do that. Progress, right?

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8 responses to “And back from yet another surgery”

  1. Graham Long Avatar
    Graham Long

    You can hug just about everything on your body when in pain except what’s in your mouth, teeth, tongue.
    Perhaps all these good wishes will provide the ease from pain you otherwise cannot get. I add mine to the pile of good wishes you have already received.

  2. Dee Avatar

    Man, I can’t even imagine how that must feel- but glad to hear you’re getting a little bit of normalcy back. Taking it easy for a bit more sounds like a great idea!

  3. Eileen P Landreth Avatar

    So sorry for all that you have been through. I hope that soon you will be back at 110% which is your normal…….

  4. Texanne Avatar

    Good golly, Miss Holly!

    Queen Elizabeth II referred to one year–I’ve forgotten which–as her “annis horribilis.” Looks like you’ve had yours this year.

    Hugs aplenty, and I’m keeping thoughts of health and innocence for you.

  5. Avatar

    hi holly delighted to hear you’ve surgery behind you.
    wishing you a speedy recovery lots of good wishes for the future.

  6. BJ Steeves Avatar
    BJ Steeves

    It’s better to take a few extra days to recover now, than to rush things and have to “re-recover” later. Been there, done that. We will still be here.

    Glad to see you up and around again!


  7. Deb Salisbury Avatar

    Hugs, Holly! I hope that’s the end of your surgeries.

  8. Roger Lawrence Avatar
    Roger Lawrence

    Just remember that pain has no memory. Hopefully it will soon be gone.

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