Let me equivocate. I’m back-ish.
Gah. This is the first day since the most recent tongue surgery—done June 26th to widen the margins on the PREVIOUS tongue surgery—that I haven’t woken up already in pain.
I’ve been just about useless since the 26th, though I did have one really good fiction run with my Kellow story last week.
I’ve worked a smidge on the HTTS lesson revamp.
And I’m not going to say that I’m back today, either. But I am better enough today to post that I think I’ll be better enough to get back to work here pretty soon now.
How’s that for waffling? I don’t usually waffle. This has been a really rough year, though, with a bunch of surgery and a bunch of pain and a bunch of trying to get back to work before I’ve been ready.
I think possibly I’m learning not to do that. Progress, right?
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