And All the Pieces Are Back Together

So. Heard from Air Force Kid, and he’s okay. That’s my huge news.

Big news is, the store is back up and running, and has two new goodies.

21 ExplodeThe small one is 21 Ways to Get Yourself Writing When Your Life Has Just Exploded, which I wrote in response to a friend who was beta testing the writer’s block course, but was trying to write after just coming off a couple years of major life upheavals. This is an area where I have lots of practice. I realized that a series of instantly usable solutions to specific writing questions would probably be useful, so this is the first in the CRITICAL SKILLS SERIES.

The next one will probably be 7 Steps to Getting the Book Written When You Have A Job, A Life, Kids, Three Pets, and You Want to Sleep AND Eat, Too.

BWBAnd the final version of How To Beat Writer’s Block (And Have FUN Writing From Now On) is available now, too. It includes 21 Ways, and has gotten some terrific feedback from the beta testers (some of which I’ve included on the page.)

And now, because I’ve been working 14-hour day for the past two weeks, and more than that the past two days, I’m going to go sack out on the couch and take a nap.

Off tomorrow, back to writing Moon & Sun II on Wednesday.

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17 responses to “And All the Pieces Are Back Together”

  1. vedang Avatar

    please write moon and sun 3
    i m so excited what happens to genna and dan
    so please i beg u to write the next part

  2. MattScudder Avatar

    Well, Santa came early this year, so expect a rave soon. 🙂 I’m sitting down to run through the course tomorrow and will hopefully see the end of a six-month block that’s been ripping my soul to shreds.

  3. Stephanie M. Avatar
    Stephanie M.

    I have a question, and I couldn’t find the answer anywhere — is there any way to buy PDFs on the shop and send them to directly to friends, WITHOUT copying or burning them first? I would like to give one of your writing books (21 Ways) to a writing pal who’s been going through a rough time, it sounds like just what she needs.

  4. JeriT Avatar

    Glad to hear the Air Force Kid is ok!

    Will the Writers Block workshop ever be available in written form?

  5. MattScudder Avatar

    I am jealous. So jealous. Was all set to get myself and early holiday present on Monday, found out about the same time that my wife lost her job. I’m sure if all had went as planned, I’d be raving now. I believe I’m in the middle of one of those life explosion thingies. Of course, I’ve had many in the past, so ya think I’d be used to it by now. 🙂 Anyway, my point is: Haven’t got it yet, Holly, but I have every intention of getting the course as soon as possible.

    Enjoy your rest. 🙂

  6. Holly Avatar

    Yay, Shelbi. Know what you mean about finding the muse. That was really emotional for me, too.
    So very glad it helped.

    1. vedang Avatar

      please write the next part of moon and sun 3

  7. AceTachyon Avatar

    Looking forward to the 7 Steps one. I think that’ll come in extremely handy in figuring out how to write when Life keeps butting in.

  8. Inkblot Avatar

    Go sleep Holly, you deserve it 🙂

  9. shelbi Avatar

    Hi, Holly.

    I bought the writer’s block course, started it yesterday [cried when I found my muse], and today, I wrote my first extremely short fiction story in probably a year.

    I hate the story, but I posted it on my blog anyway, along with the conversation I had with my muse right before that.

    Truly amazing, Holly.
    Thanks doesn’t quite cut it, but Thank you!

  10. Kaelem Avatar

    Good to hear AFK is still well!

    anderyn – Sorry for your loss =( *friendly hug*

    And Holly, like I said in my email, the audio course is fantastic!!!!!!

  11. Holly Avatar

    “(Even though I’m a grandma, I still live with two of the grandkids, both under five, three cats, a daughter, and a husband, and hold down a full-time job and a part-time job. Writing? I’d love to find time.)”

    I can help with that. 😀

  12. anderyn Avatar

    Glad to hear that the AFK is safely there, though I wish it was safely back. Best wishes to him and his, you and yours for the next nine months. My AFK got to visit me last week for a few days after my Mom’s death, so it was a mixed blessing.

    Looking very much forward to more in the Critical Skills books, given that I seem to have synchronicity with those. 🙂 (Even though I’m a grandma, I still live with two of the grandkids, both under five, three cats, a daughter, and a husband, and hold down a full-time job and a part-time job. Writing? I’d love to find time.)

  13. shawna Avatar

    LOL, the next one sounds like my life, except I have homeschooling and single-parenting thrown in there, too.

    I’m going to have to hold off on purchasing anything, money is far too scarce at the moment, but they sound wonderful and I wish I could!

  14. jessiegirl21 Avatar

    this is at the top of my post graduation purchases list!

  15. TinaK Avatar

    Yeah! Headed to the store!

  16. PolarBear Avatar

    Yay! I’ll be hitting up the store when I get home tonight.

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