My daughter Rebecca and I get together every Sunday to talk. Knit. Show our goofy cats to each other.
We do this online, because we currently live about 600 miles apart.
But we also talk about writing. A lot.
And at one point a couple months ago, we were having this really animated discussion and bouncing ideas around on the book she was working on, and she said, “You know, I wish other people could be a part of the writing stuff we talk about.”
And a week or so after that, she said, “You know, you could do a podcast, and I could produce it for you.”
And I said, “I already did a podcast once, and it died an ugly death because I got sick of listening to myself talk.”
But I agreed that it would be really cool if all the stuff we were discussing about our fiction, and about writing fiction could be saved for folks to listen too.
An then I had an idea, and a week after that, I said, “I figured out the podcast. It’ll be both of us talking to each other about writing. About what we’re writing, and about how it’s going, and about how to do it better.
“Because I’ve been doing this for years, but you just finished your first real revision on your first serious written with intent to publish novel. So while you’ve sold your shorter work, you’re at the beginning of pursuing a career as a novelist, and I’ve done that both commercially and as an indie. So with both of us in there, it will have BOTH our perspectives.”
And the week after that, we started setting things up, and last week, we did the podcast intro, and the first show.
We get together every week.
We talk.
A lot.
And for an hour or so each week, we’ll be talking exclusively about what we’re writing, how we’re writing it, answering listener questions about your writing or our fiction (yes, you HAVE met the Longview’s owner in both Hunting the Corrigan’s Blood and Warpaint)… doing what we did in the first full episode.
You can be a part of our lively conversations about how our own fiction is coming, about writing fiction, and about how to do it better.
(To maintain sound quality, and to be able to eliminate some of my worst spirals downward into Spectacular Swearing, we will NOT be broadcasting live…)
Whether you’re a reader, a writer, or both, you’ve invited to sit in, listen to what we discuss, and leave questions about our fiction or about writing fiction on our blog, Alone in a Room with Invisible People.
I hope you’ll join us every week — and if you love the show, please take a moment to rate us on iTunes and elsewhere, subscribe to the podcast, and to share us with other folks.
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