I ripped out a few hundred words tonight, and ended up with (don’t laugh) 666 new words to replace them.
I now know exactly why she lied. She had a damn good reason. I know know why she did the things she did. She had a damn good reason. And I now know how she gets through each day.
She is someone I would want to know in real life. In these last few pages, she has come alive for me with a painful sharpness that I want from all my main characters, and don’t always accomplish to my own satisfaction.
She’ll carry the story. I know that now, without doubt. She could do it on her own, but she won’t have to. Her future partner in what comes is my target tomorrow night. I need the same clarity for him. I’m at the scene where who he truly is begins to reveal itself. So I need the same sort of writing night tomorrow as I had tonight.
So … I need to tell myself what I need from him. Then I need to sleep on it.
How did your words go?
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