AIARWIP Episodes 4, 4.5, and 5: Brainstorming (with worksheets) & more

Because of a certain amount of chaos in my daily life right now, I forgot to mention LAST week’s TWO Alone In A Room With Invisible People podcasts.

In the Brainstorming Workshop, Part 1, Becca and I develop idea pieces from scratch (using the free, no-opt-in downloadable worksheets linked from the podcast page).

In the mini episode, we go over the problem writers face as readers, and what you do if, as a writer, you’re not enjoying reading fiction in your genre anymore.

And in THIS week’s podcast — the Brainstorming Workshop, Part 2, — we take Becca’s raw ideas from the first half of the workshop, and do a second brainstorming session in which she takes the material from the worksheets and turns it into a solid story idea that fits in her world and that she wants to write. (You can download the Brainstorming With A Partner hints and rules for this episode without an opt-in, too.)

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One response to “AIARWIP Episodes 4, 4.5, and 5: Brainstorming (with worksheets) & more”

  1. Kim Iverson Avatar

    I am thoroughly enjoying this podcast. You both do an amazing job and I always gain so much insight. Generally I listen while I make dinner and do the dishes and this latest one while you helped Rebecca with her story ideas, I found myself in her shoes understanding how to better come up with my own ideas, but also in yours as to how I can have my editor (she’s my bounce ideas off person) help me with mine. Just a great podcast and I’m happy you’re doing them on YouTube too as that’s where I listen. 🙂

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