The final episode of Alone In A Room With Invisible People, my podcast with my fellow writer and daughter, Rebecca Galardo, aired last week (as I write this).
It was hard to decide to quit doing new episodes, but in the end, both Becca and I agreed we need to be fiction writers first and foremost. So we’re doing that.
BUT I have a multitude of writing resources to offer (free and paid), and Becca and I both have our fiction.
Or download here:

PDF containing three samples of Holly’s fiction under pseudonyms: Dark SF, High Fantasy, and Small-Town Urban Fantasy, with sign-up forms for whichever one you’re interested in.
- Start with my free writing articles on this website
- Or take a free 9-Week Beginning Writer’s Working Tour — Nine free fiction lessons delivered by email once a week that give you “Where do I start?” help if you’re just starting to write fiction — or if you’ve gotten rusty.
- The Thursday List — A deep answer to one important fiction-writing question per week, also free.
- How to Find Your Fiction Mojo — free 5-day course in coming up with stories you’ll love to write that are RIGHT for you – one lesson per day for five days via email.
- For serious writers, look through my available free and paid writing classes.
- And of course you can always work your way through the Alone in a Room with Invisible People podcast again. Go through on your own or with fellow writers in the podcast forum (still open, active, and free), hear listener questions and answers, do the workshops with us, and experience all three Halloweens of wonderful listener flash fiction.
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