Affiliates: Everything’s live

Well, everything’s live, but the admin newsletter e-mail isn’t working, so the letters I’ve tried to send letting you know all this haven’t gone through. I’ve been at this all day and night, and yesterday, and the day before yesterday, so maybe we can get people back up and running via the weblog.

The new affiliate login is here:

If you’re an affiliate already, the membership port worked. In all cases but one, your memberships went into the database without change, meaning your usernames and passwords should be the same. (mikaela_l is the exception. Your username is mikaela because underscores don’t work in the new program).

Here’s the news you should have gotten:

First, I apologize for the disaster with the iDevAffiliate software. If you weren’t aware, a site-cracker injected a Skype scam into a folder available due to a weakness in the software, and because iDevAffiliate doesn’t support their software (though they claim to), I had to take down the whole program.

However, your commissions and pending bonuses are safe. I’m having to hand-enter them into the software, and expect that this will take me a couple of days, so if you know you have a balance but don’t show one yet, please be patient.

I’ve already re-entered your affiliates, so those of you who had downlines in the previous software have them again. In some cases you’ll find you have more affiliates, because there are two tiers of affiliates in this new program.

Second, I am pleased to announce that I’ve replaced our awful affiliate software with something really, really good. Along with the ads you’ve had available before, you’ll be able to give away free e-books with your name and affiliate link on them. There will also be a pre-built bookstore those of you with websites can drop into its own page. Plus a lot of other goodies.

Your accounts are ready to go, and much to my surprise, I was able to import your account information, with a few minor issues.

Due to an import incompatibility between the two programs, EVERYONE is now from Afghanistan. If you DON’T live in Afghanistan, please mark the country you do live in. I’m basically guessing that would apply to everyone—country codes didn’t port.

Please do not add your tax ID to the software. Come tax time, if I need it in order to mail you a 1099, I’ll email you and request it. I’d rather not have sensitive information in the database. This means also please delete phone numbers if you had them in the other program. The only information I really need from you is your name, your user name, your website link (if you have one) and your PayPal address so that I can pay you.

And if you had a first initial instead of a full name, I had to insert (initial) in that line—you can change it to a full name, a nickname, anything but just one initial.

If you forget your password, you can have a new one sent to you. The link is right beneath the Login button.

If you need help figuring out the program, click the question mark button in the top right hand corner to use the system help. To log out, click the X button. There are many, many new features, and I’ll take some time to put together information on them.

I don’t have ads in yet. I’m working on it.

First, though, I want to get everybody’s money straight.

Welcome back. It’s better now.


–Holly Lisle

Once I get the e-mail working, the letter will go out to everyone who doesn’t read the weblog regularly. You’ll all get it, too. I apologize. But you’ll get a head start.

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Affiliates: Everything’s live — 4 Comments

  1. Holly, I’ve enjoyed reviewing your books and providing links to your Shop on my blog, but haven’t been a part of your Affiliate program before now. I decided to sign up tonight (just what you need right now – more paperwork, right?).

    The first two links I tried to Affiliate hadn’t been updated yet, but not one to be daunted, I used the link in your message above, and – hooray! I got the page to log in or sign up. I hit the sign up button and filled out the form – and then near the bottom, was a field “referral code”. That stopped me.

    So, as soon as you are ready to have new Affiliates, please let me know (and what a referral cod is) and I’ll be very happy to sign up. Your new software sounds very very good.

  2. Hi, Holly. Wow, I really feel for you, because I’m in web development and I know how it is when something goes wrong like that.

    So… I can’t set my settings, because my username is less than 6 characters. And I can’t change my username, because once it’s in there, it’s in there. Of course, there’s no technological reason why the username needs to be 6 characters long. And if you need proof, witness that I already have a 4-character username. And since I already have a 4-character username, it does no one any good for the software to complain that my username is invalid when I go to update my account details.

    (To the tune of the Monty Python “Spam” song: “Bug bug bug bug bug bug bug bug Bug bug bug …”)

    So. Should I (and others like me) create new accounts with 6-character usernames? Or something else? :)

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