A word about moderation

Saw a “boo” for moderation in the comments on the previous entry. Yes, I do (sort of) moderate this blog. I use Askimet, which comes with WordPress, and which, for the most part, works invisibly, saving us all from massive amounts of spam.

How massive?

Look at the Akismet icon on the right, and realize I just started using Akismet several months ago. Can you imagine having to weed out all those offers to look at porn and male enhancement products and insurance, by hand, two or three hundred at a time some days?

Neither can I.

Sometimes, for reasons unknown, Akismet kicks real entries into the moderation queue. Not into the known spam column, but into moderation. Where I pull them out as quickly as I can. I don’t know how it chooses to be a pain to the people it moderates, and I apologize to those so moderated. But…if I had to rip out a few hundred spam comments a day by hand, this blog would cease to be doable for me. If your comment doesn’t show up, please be patient until I find it. If you’re not selling adult toys or some other crap, I’ll post your comment for you as soon as I find it.

If you are…well, that’s why I have Akismet.

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5 responses to “A word about moderation”

  1. Charlene Teglia Avatar

    If I didn’t have a spam killer on my blog there’d be no comments. I had to shut off the comments for a while until I had a solution in place; the spam is overwhelming. You gotta do what you gotta do!

  2. eitje Avatar

    hehe… i was only kidding. ๐Ÿ™‚
    i had a good idea that’s what was going on. it’s just that it seems to happen to me a lot. i guess i just sound like a spammer. ๐Ÿ˜‰

    buy the culture clinic! ๐Ÿ˜›

  3. Holly Avatar

    You folks were fine. Didn’t make extra work, were no problem, no apologies necessary.

    I just wanted to let you know that, while it’s usually invisible, the weblog is quasi-moderated.

  4. shawna Avatar

    I’m sorry we made more work for you. I’d thought it just killed spam… didn’t realize there was a mod queue, too. Us psychos were just being paranoid again.

    As for adult toys… are you sure the culture clinic doesn’t count as one?

    (Psst— shhh. We’re just stalking the Culture Clinic, not Holly. Does that make us half-benign?)

  5. writewize Avatar

    All those attempts this weekend (to add my 2 cents to the comments) come off looking like I’m a stalker. Just great!
    So sorry Holly.

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