A Quote from Abraham Lincoln

I got this in an email this morning, and thought I would pass it along to you:

“You cannot help the poor by destroying the rich.

You cannot strengthen the weak by weakening
the strong.

You cannot bring about prosperity by discouraging

You cannot lift the wage earner up by pulling the
wage payer down.  

You cannot further the brotherhood of man by
inciting class hatred.   

You cannot build character and courage by taking
away people’s initiative and independence.

You cannot help people permanently by doing for
them, what they could and should do for themselves.

…..Abraham Lincoln

With thanks to Matt Furey, whose daily e-mails I enjoy thoroughly.

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5 responses to “A Quote from Abraham Lincoln”

  1. Texanne Avatar

    Thanks for the caveat, Ryan. I’ll check this out as time allows. Still excellent quotes, I say.

  2. Ryan Avatar

    “When certain people were appropriating Abe’s Bible and invoking his name, I guess they sidestepped his philosophy. Thanks to Holly and to Matt for posting this quote.”

    They weren’t even Abe Lincoln quotes in reality.

  3. Rick Avatar

    According to this site:


    The quotes are actually from a Presbyterian minister in the 40s.

    Doesn’t make them any less insightful.

  4. Sarah Avatar

    Amen! —In a figurative kind of way. Thanks for the quote Holly. Now if only a certain ‘leader’ of our country would take note…

  5. Texanne Avatar

    When certain people were appropriating Abe’s Bible and invoking his name, I guess they sidestepped his philosophy. Thanks to Holly and to Matt for posting this quote.

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