A quirky direction that might be a mistake… 1267 words, and 50,690 total

Today the story took what felt like a logical turn, and I let myself run with it.

The understanding here, though, is that I’ve brought an edge of science-fiction and fantasy fandom into the fifth novel, and doing this might be a break in the fourth wall that will break the novel.

I’m going to let it stand. It does, after all, solve a significant problem my characters must deal with, and solves it rather gracefully.

I’m going to let Matt come upon it without any forewarning from me, though, and see if he smacks me over the head with a frozen salmon for doing what I did.

If he does, I’ll simply re-plot this section of the novel. Keeping this isn’t a deal-breaker for me. Finding other alternatives to solve the problem isn’t impossible.

I simply like this solution, and would like to let it stay if Matt thinks it works.

Anyway, the words went well, I made nice progress, and things in town are about to get stranger than they have been for the last four novels.

But with that, time now to go do other things.

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