A low-priced Self-Pub version of How To Think Sideways?

Discount HTTS for the Self-Publishing Writer?
Discount HTTS for the Self-Publishing Writer?

Self-pub has become the way to go if you want to write and make a living at it. The last few years, my self-pub has paid the bills, and my commercial pub hasn’t. Among commercially published writers, I’m not alone. The majority of commercially published novelists are working a “real” job just to survive.

Successful self-pubbed writers are doing better. You can read sites like http://jakonrath.com/ and http://lethalbooks.com/ and those of other self-pubbed writers who are making a full-time living publishing themselves.

If you aren’t a big name, online self-publishing is the new midlist.

This is the thing I wanted to do with Rebel Tales

…but what grew naturally out of improving tech and online markets is a million times better than what I’d planned. Why? Because YOU control your career, and you get to keep all the money. You’re not splitting it with a publisher who takes almost everything, and an agent who takes 15% of what’s left.

Sales of Kindles and Nooks and iPads (and iPhones) are all up, and these are all instant-gratification bookstores you carry around in your pocket. Or purse. Meanwhile, print book sales are falling, and brick-and-mortar bookstores going out of business.

What You Need To Know To Self-Publish

There are two types of knowledge you need in order to self-publish successfully.

The first is the technical stuff—how to get ISBNs, how to format your own book or hire someone to format it for you, how to price it, etc.

You can learn that ANYWHERE.

The second knowledge you need is a thousand times more important. You need to know how to write books worth reading.

I can teach you that.

So I’m putting together a stripped-down, just-for-self-publishers version of HOW TO THINK SIDEWAYS: Career Survival School for Writers.

How To Think Sideways for the Self-Publisher

The objective of this course is to be about half the price and about 60% the size of HTTS, and to give writers who KNOW you want to self-publish:

  • the writing skills you need to succeed at it, without all the Japanese Bowing Etiquette involved in commercial publishing,
  • to give you the contacts you need to publish your own work professionally,
  • and to get you out there doing it.

Lean, mean, focused.

HTTS Self-Pub will contain none of the stuff on query letters or dealing with editors. NOTHING on manuscript formatting for submission. Nothing on how to write a synopsis or an extended editor outline. None of the walkthrough. None of the frills I threw in like first drafts of my novels. Well, maybe ONE first draft.

It also won’t include on-site workgroups.  To keep the price low, I have to cut somewhere, and setting up and maintaining private workgroups is a major pain in the kiester.  You’ll meet lots of folks in the community.  If you want to create a private workgroup via e-mail on on a password section of your blog, you can certainly do that.

HTTS Self-Pub will include:

All the writing lessons, writing techniques, writing checklists, and writing course videos.

You’ll also get full member access to the following Writers’ Boot Camp boards:

  • Eureka HTTS (you can read this board now to discover what students learn from this course)
  • Renegade Marketing
  • Help!
  • Questions About Your Lessons HTTS
  • Writing Discussion HTTS
  • Idle Chatter HTTS
  • The new Resources for Self-Publishers board, which will hook you up with the folks who do professional e-book formatting, packaging, cover art, editing, and copyediting, writing blurbs, any anything else you need to help you succeed.  (If you OFFER these services, contact me now about getting your place on this board.  Currently I have about 2000 active writers in the private community.)

My objective with this course is to create successful professional career writers in the new Yes-You-Can-Live-On-Your-Writing online midlist.

The full course, with the walkthrough and future upgrades and a multitude of other cool things, comes in two speeds (6 month and 12 month)  and three flavors: Single Payment $399, 6 month subscription 69.95/month, and 12 month subscription $37.95/month.  If your dream is to publish commercially, (or if you want the BIG boost in help you’ll get from the Walkthrough upgrade) this is the course you need. 

The stripped-down HTTS Self-Pub will have one speed and one flavor.  6 months, $37.95/month.

If you’re not, no reply is necessary.

If you are, please post a YES. What I’m trying to do here is get a rough level of interest to decide whether setting up the extra site and revamping the course materials is worth my time.

So all I need to know from you now is, are you interested?


If you’re already an HTTS student or HTTS Grad, you’re getting EVERYTHING in the Self-Pub course, PLUS the walkthrough, the private workgroups, and the Walkthrough boards, blogs, etc. Just log in to get the stuff as it goes live.

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178 responses to “A low-priced Self-Pub version of How To Think Sideways?”

  1. Dalton Lynne Avatar
    Dalton Lynne

    I’m definitely interested in this. Although I’ve already finished my first novel, I’m still working on HTTS … and a couple/few months ago I began considering self-publication as the route to go. So HTTS for self-publishers would work better for my situation.

  2. Richard Cloud/ cloudrs Avatar
    Richard Cloud/ cloudrs

    Times are hard. I just got back to work after 1 1/2 years of being unemployed. I know about wearing T-shirts at home to save the good clothes, sowing the old clothes, living in a basement, going without a cell phone, borrowing a car, cutting my own hair and fighting off monthly payments of any kind with a big BIG stick.

    But…I’d also been eying Holly’s Think Sideways class for a long time. I took a chance on the full ($400) class. The part-time job I had just gotten–I wasn’t even sure would turn into a permanent job (it did), but the first $400 was marked for Holly’s class.

    I just wanted to say that if you’re on the fence–in my opinion–get the full class… as the walkthroughs in and of themselves are worth the extra money (in my opinion).

    If you get the self-pub version, you won’t be sorry either as there is a wealth of information in just the class material alone. But I got the full version of the class–the one with the walkthroughs in it–and I’m glad I did as the walkthroughs are almost another little class inside the class.

  3. mitzim Avatar

    I would LOVE an ecourse on self publishing. The lower cost is a big plus too. Let’s face it, I think traditional legacy publishing will be gone in a few years. I’m already self-published with my two jewelry selling and design books, but learning how to do novels is what I would love to learn about and actually do. I’m already starting an outline on my first novel and doing the pre-planning based on the info I’ve already read/purchased from Holly. Holly, you’re the best!

  4. Berni Crumb Avatar
    Berni Crumb

    Sorry for the late reply, but most definitely YES!

    While I still love to read my hard copy books and continue to do so, lately, I’ve been doing most of my opportunistic reading on the screen of my smart phone through a Kindle app. The things I write are not mainstream and fit a very specific niche for which the hard copy market is virtually non-existent these days. E-publishing is definitely the way to go! I would most definitely want to see the ePub version of HTTS.

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