A lot of personal issues going on

I have a family member and a friend who are both fighting for their lives right now, it’s tax season, we’re moving again, I’m trying to finish the course, and I don’t have a lot of buffer space in my brain to do anything here.

I’ll be back as soon as things settle down.

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23 responses to “A lot of personal issues going on”

  1. Eve Avatar

    Wishing you the best, Holly, and many heads up-fine days ahead.

  2. mikesmish@rocketmail.com Avatar

    Holly, Whats matter with you and your families and friends ?fight ?illness?anyway. i hope you just only best effort at time when you face anything. you will be angry or sorrow at a moment but for ever face anything. sometimes say nothing or keep silence face any trouble will be healthy to you. you were great i thought. as a old saying goes in china, water wears the stone. control your angry or sorrow just do it . from china

  3. Dean H Avatar
    Dean H

    I hope everything works out OK Holly, our thoughts are with you.

    Not been on here for a few weeks started the new job and all is busy!

    On the writing front I managed to write my 92K words and also wrote ‘The End’ and have since sent it out to 15 possibles of which I’ve already had two knockbacks you know how it goes ‘sorry we’re not taking any new authors on at the moment’ but perseverance is the word and besides there is hope! I’ve not heard from the other 13 yet?

    So I’ve started on my next project its called ‘Samson’ but its going slow at the moment I need to get back into the writing 300 words a day routine! Its surprising how quick you get to the line.

    Take care everyone.

    Dean H (UK)

  4. Phil Avatar

    Love ya Holly, hang in there.

  5. Alice Avatar

    I am holding you in my thoughts. Remember to breath and to take good care of yourself too,

  6. Jessica Avatar

    My thoughts are with you and yours. Hopefully things will turn for the better. It was hard enough for my family dealing with the somewhat expected death of hubby’s grandfather last week, I wouldn’t wish the pain of an unexpected tragedy on anyone. Try to keep your chin up and take the rest you need.

    ~~~~~~ good vibes for you. 🙂

  7. Lisa Avatar

    I hope everything goes well for you. I haven’t been adding any comments lately because my life had gotten complicated as well. I haven’t done any revision on my novel since January and I don’t forsee any work getting done until May or June. I have been writing sparingly with little essays that I post to facebook for friends and family to read and comment on. So, even though I am not doing much, I am writing a little.

    Best wishes.

  8. TimK Avatar

    Best of luck Holly. I’ll keep you in my thoughts.


  9. Gale Avatar

    Hi Holly, I’m sending good thoughts and a big hug! Hope all turns out well.

  10. Bee Avatar

    So sorry Holly. Thinking of you.

  11. Glynis Smy Avatar

    Holly I wish you well. I hope you remain strong during these trying, hectic times.
    We will be here waiting in the background for your return, you think of you and yours, we will be ok. x

  12. eltonBruce Avatar

    even heroes like you Holly need to R&R.

    How do ya do what ya do?

    healing thoughts for you and yours coming your way over the Pacific from me in Australia and also lots of loving affection.

  13. Ramble Avatar

    Adding some good thought, too, Holly! You give a lot all year long. Definitely take some time for yourself and your family. That’s the most important thing.
    Thanks for all you do!

  14. Jessica Montgomery Avatar

    I’m sending my thoughts and prayers as well. Take your time, and get done what needs to be done. Real life is more important than anything on the internet. We will all still be here when you get back. Just don’t run yourself down with all that’s going on. We love you <3

  15. Anne Avatar

    I’m adding my positive thoughts to others’ and winging them across the Atlantic to wherever you and yours are.

  16. Janell Avatar

    Hope things get easier. I wondered what was going on. I’ll send good thoughts your way for a good outcome for your family and friend. Nothing else matters when there are health issues or troubles in a family.

  17. djmills Avatar

    My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family and I hope both the family member and your friend pull through quickly. Take the time to do what you need to do both at the hospital and with your family. I am sure the rest of the students will agree with me, when I say we can wait a week or two for the next lessons.

  18. Dawn Avatar

    Deal with things; everything else can wait. /hugs

  19. Kari Avatar

    Holly, go do what you need to do. We will be here.

    Sending good thoughts your way.

  20. Emily Pritchard Avatar

    Hey, Holly – so sorry to hear that everything’s so hectic. Healing thoughts are definitely with you and yours.


  21. Red_dot Avatar

    I haven’t been on your site in a while, writing has been slow. Obama will speak about the shuttle program, I need the missions extended to give me time to finish. Sorry to hear about your life being hard right now hang in there all of your fans are here with you. Well to qualify as afan I guess I should actually buy one of your books! Saving 1K a month for my big 25th anni.

  22. Anthea Avatar

    Good luck! I hope everything goes smoothly, and that your loved ones win their fights.

  23. Ron Avatar

    I use some of your ideas when I teach writing in Cape Town, South Africa. You really have a great course. Hope all is well, you are well regarded here at the tip of Africa.

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