A freebie, a new book, and an update

The Freebie

Plot Clinic IntroIf you click the image to your left, you’ll download a copy of the Plot Clinic Intro.

The Intro is 54 pages long, and contains:
Introduction: What Is Plotting (And Why Is It So Hard?) 3

  • Plot Is… 3
  • Where Plots Are Born 4
  • A word of warning on dealing with the subconscious 6
  • How Plots Grow 7
  • The Seven Basic Plots (Plus A Mermaid) 9
  • Plotting Is A Process, Not An Act 10
  • How To Use This Book 12
  • Order of Use 13
  • What You’ll Need 15
  • My Assumptions 18

Section I: Plotting Before Writing 20

  • Structures 22
  • How Many Plot Cards Will I Need? 22
  • Usual Novel Word Counts 23
  • Figuring Average Scene Length Wordcounts 23
  • The Number of Scenes You’ll Need Is… 23
  • The Three-Act Structure 24
    1. Pros 27
    2. Cons 27
  • Character Structure, Single POV 28
    1. Pros 28
    2. Cons 28
  • Character Structure, Multiple POV 29
    1. Pros 30
    2. Cons 31
  • Cliffhanger Structure 31
    1. Pros 32
    2. Cons 32
  • Organic Structure 32
    1. Pros 33
    2. Cons 33
  • Timeline Structure 34
    1. Pros 36
    2. Cons 36
  • Mixing It Up 36

Section II: Tools—When Things Are Going Well 38

  • Plot Tools, and Why There Are So Many 39
  • Tool 1: Question 41
    1. The Good Question 42
    2. Exercise: Question 45
  • Tool 2: Twist 46
    1. Doing the Twist 46
    2. Exercise: Twist 49

It’s a good-sized chunk of the book and should let readers know whether the Plot Clinic is something that would help their writing or not. However, it’s also branded with the username of the HollyShop Affiliate who’s giving it away–in this case, that fun-loving guy, Sample Affiliate–and each link in the e-book links to an affiliate link. If you’re an affiliate, you can use the affiliate software to download your personalized e-book with your links inside to give away as a free download on your site or from your weblog. These take a lot of time for me to make (for you, they’ll take about ten seconds to download), so I’ll be adding new ones slowly. This one is ready to go, though.

If you want to give away this ebook, login to your affiliate account, then go to Affiliate Tools –>Viral PDFs.

The New Book

Ann Angel’s FreedomI’m delighted to note that I’ve added a new book to the site: Ann Angel’s Freedom, by Katarina Gerlach and Anke Waldmann. This is a very good English translation done by the German authors—excellent historical fiction, wonderfully researched and beautifully written. I highly recommended the book some time back, and am delighted to be able to sell the e-book version through Shop.HollyLisle.com. I’ve also linked to the print versions.

I hope you’ll pick up a copy in one version or another. You’ll love the story.

The Update

Finally, for the rest of this week, and (because of the second phisher mess requiring me to rearrange a great deal of the site today to prevent a recurrence) probably some of next week, I’ll be adding advertising to the affiliate program. No writing for me.

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6 responses to “A freebie, a new book, and an update”

  1. Holly Avatar

    Thank you for signing up. I really appreciate your help.

  2. BookLover Avatar

    Hooray! Thanks Holly, it is working now!

  3. Holly Avatar

    Booklover–I’ve changed your account to active. See if it’ll work for you now.

  4. BookLover Avatar

    P. S.
    My husband is a programmer, and I told him about the idiot who created the ‘catch 22’ with your affiliate program, and he chuckled. Then I told him he was married to that same idiot — and he laughed out loud. After forty years, I guess he knows me.

  5. BookLover Avatar

    Holly, I unintentionally created a ‘catch 22’ when I tried to sign up for the Affiliate program. I used the same user name and password on the affiliate form that I already had to sign in for the shop. At first it looked like it worked, but when I tried to log it told me the user name and password was invalid because someone already had it.

    I decided to ‘fix’ it by filling out the affiliate form again with a new user name and password. That didn’t work because I got an error message that my email address and paypal email address were already taken! (of course they were – they were on the account that didn’t work because “my” user name and password were “already taken”: of course they were, I had already taken them to sign in as a registered purchaser for the shop!)

    I’m beginning to feel like that movie “Groundhog Day”.

    Sorry. I don’t mean to keep finding bugs. Help please.

  6. Gabriele Avatar

    Lol, the world is a village. I clicked on the link of the book and found out that both authors have studied in Göttingen. I happen to have studied Göttingen as well and still live there. 🙂

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