I’m offering a drawing to anyone who has bid on or is bidding on one of my auctions for the Larissa Ione Fundraiser. This is a thank-you to folks who have pitched in to help out Larissa. The winner will choose from among a selection of gifts, one of which will be a crit of your thirty-page manuscript partial/five-page synopsis. You do not have to have bid on the crit to be eligible to select the crit if you win; I know those got pricey very quickly.
Eligible bids will be in my auctions. I’ll also put your name in the hat if you bid on Sheila’s crit (PBW, Lynn Viehl), or Anna Genovese’s crit.
If you have bid or are still bidding, post your bidding name (Ebay name) and a link to your bid below. (To keep from breaking the blog with long Ebay links, please call your link “bid” and use the nifty HTML button above the comment box to paste in your link.)We’re doing this publicly so that contest mavens are not tempted to the site to falsely claim to be bidders when they aren’t. If there’s a dispute — that is, two people claim the same name — you’ll be asked to privately prove your ID.
Amended — I’ll simply require the winner to privately prove his or her ID. This will keep folks from having to take their Ebay IDs public, something I know a lot of folks don’t want to do. Please just note in comments that you’ll be participating. I’ll draw names off of that list, and contact the winner, who can then send me a bid link and ownership proof privately.
There will be only one winner, and the winner will be announced the day after the last eligible auction closes; my time and finances are unfortunately limited, and shipping books to my agent to be forwarded on to the winner is expensive, while crits are time-consuming. But I wanted to offer something to you folks as thanks. I appreciate what you’re doing.
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