A Compass, A Kit, and A Sea of Stars

This is the first part of the Month Four movie from How to Think Sideways. Thought you might enjoy seeing what I’ve been working on.

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7 responses to “A Compass, A Kit, and A Sea of Stars”

  1. Annalisa Avatar

    I really enjoyed this video and am looking forward to seeing the whole thing in time. The visuals are lovely and always appropriate, and you aloud read so well. I sure do know the feeling of being lost in the middle of my story and I’m eager to look back at my NaNoWriMo last year to figure out where I last liked the story. The problem is the entire story is pretty rough. 😛

  2. bflogal61 Avatar

    Can’t wait to see the rest of the movie.

    Grats early on the b-day, I’m not that far behind ya. (the 20th)

    I’ve only ever written 2 novels and have never been “lost” in the middle as you describe (not knowing how you got there and not being able to find your way back), but I have had pretty colorful tropical birds fly by and try to distract me from what I was writing. I don’t know if that is within the same category or not.

  3. meg Avatar

    Great visuals and brillianllt advice. thank you once again, now off i go to find the exact point all those projects began failing.

    Happy b’day!!

  4. caddgirl Avatar

    Hi Holly
    My B-day is the 7th and I feel like you gave me a present. And a big laugh too, my first car was a Chevy Vega. I know I’m dating myself with that one.
    Anyway I’m going to get lost, I have a beginning and an end and a saggy middle to shore up.

  5. Dittes Avatar

    writing is like the journey through life, eh? loved the video! i am nowhere in my writing, i have at least three possible beginnings, 4 possible middles, and 2 endings… i am s**t scared!!!

  6. soaringfree Avatar

    PS. Great video, loved it.

  7. soaringfree Avatar

    I’m at the end of my novel–last chapter. And I’m STILL lost. 🙁 I can’t figure out where I went wrong or why it’s not coming together.

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