A Book Giveaway (sort of)

Lots of my novels for free if you’ll pay the postage.

I underestimated the extent of my problem. And I do have a few copies of some of the later Baen books. And I found the missing Vengeance of Dragons copies. Lots of them.
My Problem, Part One
My Problem, Part Two

Any more volunteers?

Also, much to my amazement, I have no remaining copies of the historical thing. Many apologies. Holly

P.S. The scary thing is, I suspect there are still more books hiding in corners. I’m afraid.

SATURDAY: The Original Post

I have a bunch of copies of my own work I need to get rid of.

  • I’d have one massive contest and winners galore, but I can’t afford the shipping for that many books.
  • I can’t sell them–that’s in the contracts.
  • I don’t want to dump them at libraries; I’d rather give them to individual folks.
  • I considered doing a Books of the Wild thing, where I’d send boxes of books to people who agreed to send all but one of the books out into the world to meet new people, who could then log into a Wild Books Tracking Station to note where they got their book, and where they passed it on when they were done with it, with rules taped into the inside front covers to let the readers know how to find and log into the tracking station, (I thought this would be particularly cool) but as previously noted, I don’t have the money for all that shipping, and I can’t ask folks to pay shipping and then only keep one book.


I have at least a few of most of my more recent books (most of my post-Baen work) and a lot of a few of them. And I have some flat rate shipping boxes that ship to anywhere in the US for $8.95. In order to cover PayPal fees and packing up the box, add an extra dollar–total US shipping will be $9.95. Each box will comfortably fit 6 paperbacks, and as long as they last, one hardcover or galley. When I run out of hardcovers and galleys, I’ll throw in three extra paperbacks. (These are likely to be duplicates. If I have to send duplicates and you didn’t indicate that you wanted them, I’ll let you know before you pay for the shipping.)

If you’re willing to pay the postage, I’ll ship you a box of mixed books. If you don’t mind duplicates (to give to friends, for example), please note this in your entry. I have quite a few paperback Talyns, for example.

I’ll autograph one book in each box–I hurt my wrists, the right one especially, from too much knitting, which I’ve been using to deal with stress, and typing is painful and hand-writing pure agony. (Forget knitting. At the moment, I can barely hold yarn.) So give me your wish-list of three books you’d like to own in autographed form in order of your preference, and if I have it, I’ll sign and include one of those three books in the box. If I don’t, I’ll pick what I think is the best book in the box and autograph that one. These books won’t be personalized, just dated and signed. I apologize for this, because I usually personalize unless requested not to, but … pain. We’re not going to mention how exciting it is to type this.

I also have a couple of surprises (still my books, but special or odd in some way or another). No comment on those, but they’ll ship in the first boxes to go out.

All books are new, unread, but some do have dings on corners or other flaws–the boxes seem to pass through punishment testing en route to me from time to time.

If you enjoy ancient historical fiction, note this and I’ll throw in an unrelated book of which I happen to have a whole bunch of copies. If you really like it, I’ll send a few extra (I have lots and lots of copies). Just ask.

Here are the rules:

  1. You have to have some way of using PayPal, whether through your own PayPal account, a debit card, credit card, or checking account, to do this.
  2. Don’t send any money until I’ve packed your box and contacted you (and we’ve agreed on the shipping price if you’re outside the US).
  3. Special requests are first come, first served.
  4. All book boxes are ALSO first come, first served.
  5. If you have any books you already have and don’t want to accidentally get another of (even to pass on), please list these.
  6. The times on replies will serve as the final arbiter of who asked first. I will religiously check the spam and rescue requests while this offer is ongoing. If you have fallen afoul of the spam-catcher, let me know right away at holly AT hollylisle DOT com.
  7. This offer is only good until I run out of books.

The average value of a box of 6 paperback books with one hardcover will be about $67. I can’t guess the value of the galleys, but to collectors, I’m sure they’re fairly valuable. Average value of a box of nine paperbacks without a hardcover or galley will be about $63. If you’re outside the US, keep this number in mind when figuring shipping. You don’t want to pay more than the value of the books, and you’d probably want to stop at about half the value. For orders outside the US, we’ll figure on a case-by-case basis. You’re never obligated to buy–if shipping is too much for your budget, I can pack up just one or two books for you in a sturdy envelope or little box, or you can pass your box on to the next person on the list.

Make sure your e-mail address in your account on this weblog is correct, because that’s how I’ll contact each of you.

That’s it. If you’re interested, let me know here. The giveaway starts now.

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99 responses to “A Book Giveaway (sort of)”

  1. alisons Avatar

    If there are still any copies of Talyn left, I would be very grateful for one. I am in England and have paypal. Thank you!

  2. D.RobertPease Avatar

    I too would love a box O’ books. I’d be happy to pay the shipping. I would prefer your Fantasy more so than any others. I have bought just about every e-book you have on how to write, but I’ve not actually read any of your novels, and have been itching too.

  3. JenThePen Avatar

    I hope I’m not too late, too! I would love to take you up on your offer. If you still have the Secret Text trilogy, I would love them… and Talyn. I welcome a few duplicates. I’m sure I can find homes for them. ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. jwjohnson Avatar

    I would love to be in on this if it is not too late. Talyn for me as well and Diplomacy of Wolves and anything you care to throw in. Please don’t hurt yourself further on my account though.

  5. S William Shaw Avatar

    Wow, that’s a lot of books.

  6. Lexy Avatar

    Hi there, if I’m not too late to jump in on your generous offer, Holly. If there are still books available I would love a copy of Talyn, and anything else you care to throw in. I already have the Secrets Text Trilogy, though I do know some peeps I could pass it to if you still need to get rid of any copies ๐Ÿ˜€ I live in England, so as long as the postage isn’t overly expensive then I would be very grateful.

  7. Cosmic_lightning Avatar

    Hey! If it’s not too late to jump in… I can’t pass this offer up! I’d like copies of the Secret Text trilogy (I’m woefully behind on my reading, but I loved the first one. :D) I’d rather have fantasy than suspence. I’m interested in taking one of those extra Talyn copies off your hands, if you have any left by the time you get down the list, and, since none of my friends read the same books, no duplicates please, if that’s possible. I live in Canada so I’m not sure how much postage would be, but I do have Paypal. I hope there are still some of your fantastic books left by the time you get down the list to me. ๐Ÿ˜€
    Thanks a ton,

  8. Sophia Avatar

    The one I really want is ‘Last Girl Dancing’ as I tried to find it at a book store and couldn’t. Otherwise, I have Talyn in hardcover, but I won’t be upset if I get another one. Actually, if I was going to have a signed book I would rather it be a hardcover because those are bound to last longer. So otherwise, I’m neutral on the books you send

  9. Cayendi Avatar

    I have to agree with kimmie30: WOW!!
    I’m ashamed to admit I haven’t read any of your books, and this seems like the perfect opportunity.
    I’m happy with anything you’d want to send me, but if you still have ‘Talyn’ and ‘Minerva Wakes’, I’d love those.
    I’m from the Netherlands and have a paypal account.

  10. xqzzy Avatar

    Any room here at the end for us late folks? If you have anything to send me, that would be very generous of you. Send me anything…I’m not picky at all. Thanks for doing this!

  11. Miri Avatar

    *I could kick myself for triple-posting, but I can’t edit my posts, I don’t think. Just wanted to say that duplicates are absolutely fine.

  12. kimmie30 Avatar

    Wow! This is so nice of you. If you’re still doing this, I’d like: Talyn, Last Girl Dancing, I See You, Midnight Rain, plus or instead anything else you’d like to send me. If I already have it, I’ll just pass it on.

    Just take care of yourself and let your wrists rest and heal.

  13. Miri Avatar

    *shipping of should be “stocking in.” No clue where that one came from.

  14. Miri Avatar

    Wow, Holly, this incredibly nice of you! I hope I’m not too late.

    The only special request I have is Diplomacy of Wolves, if possible. I’ve wanted to read that for awhile, but my bookstore seems averse to shipping of. The others in the trilogy would be nice, too.

    We don’t have PayPal at the moment, but I’ve spoken with the powers that be and we’re prepared to get one.

    Take care of your wrists. They’re a valuable accessory for any fashionable writer.

  15. wstillions Avatar

    Hey Holly,

    If it’s not too late please add me to the list to get a box. I have a paypal account.

    The top 3 would be:
    Midnight Rain
    I See You

    I love your romantic suspense books but am very interested in reading the others. Thanks for doing this!


  16. Kris_Hembury Avatar

    Hey Holly,

    I’m a random, who just wanted to say thanks for sharing so much on your website. I know this probably isn’t the right place for thank yous, but I couldn’t find anywhere else to post.

    Really appreciated your article called ‘Courage’.

    All the best,

  17. Jass Avatar

    Hey Holly,

    Add me to the list,if I’m not to late. Please don’t include Last Girl, Dancing and Hunting the Corrigan’s Blood. Anything else, would be awesome, series much appreicated. I don’t even mind going last.


    ps. still getting so much from the Plot Clinic, I can’t thank you enough.

  18. becca Avatar

    If I’m not too late, I would love to get a box. I would love the Night Echoes, the Secret Texts (as I love fantasy) and/or any others you choose to send. Your books aren’t readily available in the local library and I would love to read them. Thank you for being so generous, even if I’m not quick enough to get in on it.

  19. Anthea Avatar

    If you still have them, I’d love all three books of the World Gates trilogy – I keep giving away my copies and needing to buy them again. I’d also be interested in any of the “Devil’s Point” novels. After those, or if they’re not available, you can fill out the box with pretty much anything – Any books that I already have will have no trouble finding homes ๐Ÿ™‚

    I can definitely afford $9.95 for a box of books, and have a paypal account to use ๐Ÿ™‚

  20. Eve Avatar

    Hello Holly,

    Is it possible to get one of each book? I spoke with my husband and we’d like to read them and pass them on to friends. I noticed that you cannot sell them. One of our friends owns a second-hand book store, can they be sold there after they’ve been read. Silly question I’m sure but I thought I’d ask.


  21. sldavisca Avatar

    I may be a bit late here but if the offer still stands, I would love to have a set of books. I’m not picky and do have PayPal.

    What a generous offer for your readers and fans. Thank you!

    All the best

  22. Zink Johnson Avatar
    Zink Johnson

    As long as I’ve been lurking around this site, I’m mortified to admit I don’t own any of your books as of yet. I am so in.

    If you’re still managing to take requests, I’d really love Vincalis the Agitator, the Secret Text trilogy, Hunting the Corrigan’s Blood, or Sympathy for the Devil… anything, actually.

    Would you mind if I linked to this page in a writing community? I’m quite sure everyone there would like (nearly)_ free books.

  23. Mr Roberts Avatar
    Mr Roberts

    Hi Holly

    I was lucky enough to talk our local library into ordering Talon which I was first to read. I loved it and recomended it to everyone. I’d love to own a copy and if there are any left it would be gratefully received and given a good home.

    I’m in the UK so would need to know the international shipping rate.

    I hope your feeling much better very soon and would just like to add a heart felt thanks.


  24. Maxx Avatar


    I would love to have a set of books sent, I am PayPal enabled. If I can ask it and you have it still available, could a copy of Hunting the Corrigan’s Blood included?

    It’s among my favorite books ever (my husband too) and we lent it to a good friend….who is still reading it verrrrry slowly (but loving it!). ๐Ÿ™‚ If it’s too late for a copy to be included, I still would like to be sent whatever you are willing to share or have left. Thank you for your generosity! This is wonderful.



  25. MarFisk Avatar

    Oops. Looks like I posted to the wrong thread. I’m posting HERE for Maripat. She can’t get WordPress to let her log in. I’ll send the details in email.


  26. ErinH Avatar

    If you’ve got anything left, I’m game. I already have the Secret Texts, Hunting the Corrigan’s Blood, Talyn, Midnight Rain, and Last Girl Dancing. Anything else would be fantastic–I See You, Night Echoes, the World Gates, or well, anything.

    This is fabulous.

  27. embar Avatar

    I hope it is okay if I post a comment on here if I am interested in the offer? I hope I am not too late? I would be interested in a copy of Talyn and Diplomacy of Wolves, but besides that I would like a surprise.

    However I live in the UK. What would be postage be?

  28. valerie Avatar

    Hey there! I’ve been MIA all weekend so don’t know if I’m on time or not. However, if possible…I’d love a copy of Talyn signed (prefer paperback but would accept hardback). I’d love a set of World Gates (or two, as my daughter loves them too). Otherwise…surprise me. If I hear soon enough I think I can set up a USA mailing address as I’ll be visiting friends in the USA third week of June and could collect them then. (Cheaper for me, easier for you I’m thinking.)

  29. BookLover Avatar

    Holly, I would so love a copy of Hunting the Corrigan’s Blood if there is still one available. I’d love anything else you put in — The Secret Texts and Talyn are special loves, but I’m also crazy about The World Gates – read them all twice in the past year. I love Vincalis the Agitator and only have it in e-book. I’m crazy about Medwind Song — found old beat up copies of MInd of the Magic and Bones of Past, but have Fire in the Mist only in e-book… Anything you send will be treasured! Thanks.

  30. Zuzu Avatar

    If you still have books I would love some paperbacks. The only book I’ve read of yours so far is Talyn, so any other fantasy you have would be awesome.

  31. arrvee Avatar

    After all is said and done, let me know if you have anything left. Duplicates are OK. I have lots of ideas for getting them out into the world. Put everybody else ahead of me, though, and just let me know if you wind up with leftovers.

  32. Mo_olelo Avatar

    I’ve been lurking for several months now. If there are still books available, I’d be interested. No special preferences… if there are duplicates I’ll pass them on to family and friends or perhaps (if this is allowable) I’ll go a give away on my blog, on the date of your next book release.

    Aloha and Mahalo,
    Susan Flemming

  33. Chassit Avatar

    Hey Holly, if you still have books, I’d love to get some.

    The books I already have: Diplomacy of wolves, Talyn, Vengeance of Dragons, Courage of Falcons, I See You–so if you can manage, please don’t put those in there.

    And, if possible, I’d like Vincalis the Agitator, but other than that, surprise me.

    Hope there are books left, but if there aren’t…well easy come easy go, ha.

  34. selene Avatar

    Hi Holly,

    This is such a great offer, I had to delurk. ๐Ÿ™‚ If there is still anything left by now, Ancient historical fiction sounds really interesting, and I’d love galleys, but I’m open to anything. I live in Europe, so would depend on shipping cost…


  35. klharrds Avatar

    Hi Holly,

    I’d love a collection of your older books. I have Talyn and the first three suspence novels, so things prior to that would be great. I live in the UK so would need to check postage costs. Let me know if you have any boxes left.



  36. Inkblot Avatar

    Hi Holly

    I’ll have to double check when I see how much postage will be (in Australia), but I have none of your books (hard to find here), and would LOVE Talyn, and anything else I can get my hands on! Would prefer no duplicates, but if duplicates will get me a box, then so be it ๐Ÿ˜‰

  37. lohengrin Avatar

    I’m in Canada, so I don’t know if you can send anything to me even if there’s anything left. :/ If you could shove Talyn and Night Echoes into a bubble mailer, even, I would love that. I do have PayPal.

  38. naomi Avatar

    Hi Holly. If there are still books left, I would be happy to pay shipping for any of your suspense books, Talyn and anything else. I don’t mind duplicates. I know I can find homes for them. ๐Ÿ™‚

  39. Stephanie M. Avatar
    Stephanie M.

    Gosh, I wish I had seen this sooner! If there are still books left by the time you get down the list, I’d be happy to take some. I’m not so interested in the suspense books, but I’d love to get my hands on Talyn and the Matrin novels. I wouldn’t mind getting duplicates, I can find good homes for them.

  40. LadyQ Avatar

    Oh! I see lots of copies of “Vengeance of Dragons”! I haven’t been able to order a copy from Borders, and Amazon doesn’t have any in stock. May I have one of those, please? It’s the only one of The Secret Texts that I’m missing and I can’t read “Courage of Falcons” before I get my mitts on that one. ๐Ÿ™‚

  41. Jackie Avatar

    I would love some if you have books left. Any duplicates I will be happily share with friends. I know plenty of folks who love your books. ๐Ÿ™‚

  42. MattScudder Avatar

    I’ll take a box. I’d love to get some copies of your suspense books, which I haven’t yet been able to get a hold of. And/or Talyn. But I’m not uber picky. Especially since I came to this so late.

  43. laceysavage Avatar

    Holly, if you still have books left, I’d love to take you up on this lovely offer. I’m in Canada, so I’ll need to contact you for shipping rates. Thanks!

  44. Starspoon87 Avatar

    I know this is late but if there are any books left I would love to have some!

  45. cherylp Avatar

    What I’d really like is a set of your Secret Texts (VoD, etc.), and a galley of anything, if any of those are left. I have all your romantic suspense — other than that, you can suprise me.

  46. KaosTheory Avatar

    If you’ve got anything leftover, I’d love some books ๐Ÿ™‚ All I’ve read of yours is Diplomacy of Wolves, and I’d love to read more!

  47. WritingAngel Avatar


    I’m interested if there’s still some going. I’m in New Zealand though, not sure how much shipping would be.

    I’d prefer no duplicates but happy either way!

  48. Jacquelyn Avatar

    Am I too late? I’ve read most of your recent books, but haven’t been able to get ahold of the earlier ones. All will be enjoyed and shared. This is fun-thanks!

  49. Deathbyabsurdity Avatar


    Can I please? Huh, huh, can I?

    If you still have some left, I would like to participate.

    I don’t mind duplicates. I will happily pass on any to other people.

    Thanks, Holly