A Bit Carried Away

Finished with 54 full-length scenes for LGD, plus 5 interstitials.

Written at my planned (and in many cases current) length, this number of scenes would mean I’d be turning in a 176,000-word book. WAY too long.

To fix this, I’m going to have to cut scenes (hard to do), or shorten them (easier). If I cut scenes to just ten pages apiece, this will leave me with a book roughly 118,000 words long. Which is close to where I want to be.

It does, however, mean cutting length on existing scenes, which were pretty tight. At this point, writing can get a little frustrating.

On the up-side. I’m incredibly excited about the finished line-per-scene.

And starting the morning tomorrow with a couple of pages of synopsis should be an interesting challenge.

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