I’m delighted to be able to present 2YN: The Two-Year Novel Course–Year One, by Lazette Gifford. This is the e-book form of Zette’s wildly successful, standing-room only online course on Forward Motion that takes writers step by step from the very first idea for writing a novel to the day it ships off to the editor or publisher. Book One (469 pages, $9.95) is available now, and Zette is working on Book Two, which will cover the second year of the course.
This comprehensive, sane, and fun writing course is the answer to the question “How do I write a novel?”–from coming up with ideas all the way through to publication. Gifford, a writer, editor, and associate publisher, and the owner of the Forward Motion Writers’ Community, guides you one logical step at a time through every step of writing your novel. From making sure your idea is a good one (or coming up with a new idea), through developing your characters, building your world, outlining your story, writing your first draft, rethinking and reworking your second draft, doing final edits, and finally sending your work off to an editor or publisher, Gifford makes sure you’ll never need to ask the dreaded question “What do I do now?”
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