2111 words written today

My current project wordcount is 9,808. I managed to move the story to the point where Tom discovers that he and Elli are going into a life-or-death mission, and that she has at least titular control of the mission. And he’s found out how much is riding on their success.

I’d hoped for twice as many words, but exhaustion and lack of focus due to things going on elsewhere in my life right now leave me grateful that I managed to get as far as I did.

I may have to revise my wordcount downward for tomorrow, too, and just count on finishing the first draft chapters on Saturday, and the write-in and type-in revisions Sunday and Monday.

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3 responses to “2111 words written today”

  1. wolverine Avatar

    Hugs Holly. Just get done what you can and don’t stress too much about it. Life is important too.


  2. MerylF Avatar

    Nevermind Holly; take the time for a long bubblbath and some nice wine. Hmm. Do they make waterproof notecards? They should.

  3. RayaPenName Avatar

    Wow. As a young writer this kind of detication is inspiring. Keep up the great work.

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