2074 words, and the Spire

Again, the words were wonderful fun this morning. Didn’t get started until 7:30, but I finished with over two thousand words, and I landed in the Spire, a completely unexpected place. I’m discovering it as I write it, and I’m fascinated. I didn’t know it was here until its owner dropped the girls on the doorstep, and I’m more surprised than they are by what each open door reveals.

I want to live there.

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4 responses to “2074 words, and the Spire”

  1. TinaK Avatar

    The Spire? Oh…can’t wait to go there.

  2. Nicole Avatar

    I’m with Gabriele. Plus, a name like “the Spire” just sounds intimidating and worrisome.

  3. anders Avatar

    I started writing again yesterday myself. I had forgotten how good it feels.

  4. Gabriele Avatar

    You sure about the living there? Knowing your worlds, unpleasant creatures and places will soon appear. During the next few hundred words, I’d say. 🙂

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