2023-Secret-Early-Bird Big Class Confirmation

Hi, and thank you for your interest in the upcoming BIG COURSE for Fiction Writers. Still not going to discuss subject matter on the course here… but you will discover what it is when I send out the first Class-Specific LAUNCH Email, and you can decide from that email whether you want to stick around or not.

You’ve added the tag for the Secret Early Bird (SEB) launch to your Convert-Kit account (my email sender), and you’ll now receive the progress reports I send out about the course.

More importantly, you’ll receive your invitation to get the Early Bird version of the class with huge savings during the very short window when I offer it (somewhere between three and ten days).

Watch your email for SECRET EARLY BIRD updates from me with [SEB UPDATE] in the header…

And when I take the class live and turn the countdown offer on, realize that:

  • Those timers you’ll see at the top and bottom of the sales-page automatically SHUT DOWN the launch at the end of the countdown,
  • They are to-the-second accurate, and…
  • When this class becomes available again — as much as a year down the road from the initial launch class — (when, in other words,  I have the whole thing smoothed out, expanded with answers to Early Bird questions and other things the first group of students discover they need) and it’s finished,
  • I’ll open it up for everyone,
  • But because it will be finished, and cleaned up, and with an established group of students who have already taken it so that we all know the class works the way I intend it to for my first group of students — the price will be 50% higher.