Month: September 2012
WABWM: Weekend Writers
I’ll be back on Monday, but in the meantime, write with joy, and get some great words. I’m cheering for you. Download as PDFPrint Page
WABWM: Momentum
7:30 AM I’m not as better as I’d thought yesterday. :-/ But still good enough to work. And will be starting this morning with the lyrics for the HUNTING THE CORRIGAN’S BLOOD song, “Didn’t Expect That,” which I worked out, along with most of the melody, in the shower this morning. But after the lyrics,…
WABWM: Story Almost Escaped My Evil Plan
7:37 AM Am feeling considerably better today. And I left Cady in such an interesting bit of trouble yesterday, and quit writing before she could do anything but discover the start of what’s going to turn out to be… …BAD. So this morning promises to be fun. STARTING COUNT: 58,777 GOAL: 1500+ SCENE: Heroes’ Welcome…
WABWM: Wed, Sept 26, 2012
7:53 AM The way I’m feeling, not even the cat would have dragged me in. But whatever. Cady awaits, and today’s scene, while requiring a replot, is going to be fun to write. I know the core bit, and I can’t wait. STARTING COUNT: 58,115 GOAL: 1500+ STARTING SCENE: (was The Charity Of Demons. Replot…
Do I still recommend John Locke? No.
Back at the end of June, 2011, I read a book that succeeded because of a lie, and I turned my entire life upside down as a result of that lie. The book was, of course, John Locke’s How I Sold 1 Million Ebooks in 5 Months. Like a lot of other writers, I let…
WABWM: Tues, Sept 25, 2012
7:51 AM Don’t feel well today. Too bad. Deadlines wait for no one. Am at the point where I’m going to have to do a replacement plot card: Cool things happened yesterday that created actions that created consequences I’d not anticipated. I love the twistiness of what comes next. STARTING COUNT: 56,022 GOAL: 1500+ CURRENT…
Reconsidering “Write A Book With Me”
Write A Book With Me (WABWM) was a popular part of my weblog back when I was doing it the FIRST time. I thought it was popular just with the writers on my site, though, so when I restarted it, I moved it into the writing community, because I didn’t want to bore readers. Now…
Reader Interview: One Single Change TODAY
Some ground rules on this post first: Your one single change cannot be an assassination, a kidnapping, an act of terrorism, or ANYTHING ELSE ILLEGAL. I so very much do not want to have the FBI visit me to ask for your email address or IP address, so will promptly and mercilessly delete AS SPAM…
The DragonScale Sweater
I mentioned in the WABWM Weekend Thread that I was knitting a modular sweater as one of my down-time activities. (Modular works. I can knit one diamond in about ten minutes, and tie off. Which means I cannot possibly lose my place.) Promised I’d put up a picture of the sweater. Here it is. It’s…
Friday Snippet: Cady goes home again…
Here’s the short set-up. Cady has picked up a crew of talented misfits to help her stop the pending genocide of humanity by a deadly group of outsiders—and she’s started her fight to save humankind on her homeworld of Cantata, and in her home city of Meileone. Cady is currently in the company of the…