Month: July 2012
Apple Made Its Decision. My Turn.
Apple rejected How To Think Sideways Lesson 6: How To Discover (Or Create) Your Story’s Market. Not because of links to Amazon this time. Because of content. Lesson 6 includes my “Amazon River” technique, in which I show students how I use a couple of useful bits of Amazon’s website software and the Amazon database…
Things Don’t Look Good for My Future With Apple
This is the follow-up post to Uncrippling the Lesson. As I said I would, I paid my book packager to create a separate version of How To Think Sideways, Lesson 6 that did not include links to Apple. I uploaded the corrected version. A couple days later, I got this message: Dear Holly Lisle, One…
Reader Interview: Future Perfect
Back to the time travel machine, this time set to go 1000 years into the future. What is the one magnificent human achievement you hope to find when you get there? ADDED THURSDAY, when I finally got in here: The vast majority of the respondents here TOTALLY misunderstood the question. I don’t CARE what people…
I’m … um … redesigning the site
…in case you missed the vivid new colors and still-not-working slider menu in the header. Did as much as I could before I took it live… but expect a mess today. I should have everything done by tomorrow, though. I hope. Download as PDFPrint Page
Hey! I have BESTSELLERS! (Five of them…)
Please excuse my bouncing up and down, but while looking for a book on Amazon, I decided to see how my self-pubbed stuff was doing. I’m freakin’ giddy! PROFESSIONAL PLOT OUTLINE is sitting at #6 in Writing Skill Reference as I write this, and MUGGING THE MUSE: Writing Fiction for Love AND Money is at…
Where I am right now: Mini “Path To Freedom” Report
One lesson for How To Think Sideways is still undergoing formatting, but the rest are formatted, proofed, and back to for final Kindle (mobi) conversion. I’m up to Lesson 5 on the initial formatting for How To Revise Your Novel, and am simultaneously building the Legacy/download pages for the lessons. After that, I need…
Uncrippling the Lesson: The Aftermath
Thanks to everyone who responded to the “Crippling a Lesson” post. You gave me some real data to work with, and I appreciate it. I’ve decided to remove one link entirely as redundant, remove the other two with an explanation of why the links aren’t with the demo, add a link to the website for…