Month: January 2011
The motivation of an intention coin
Every once in a while one or the other of my kids comes up with something so brilliant it amazes me. My daughter just e-mailed me to let me know she’d created an “Intention coin,” and, curious about the name, I went to her Etsy site and read her description. And I loved the concept.…
I’m not dead. I’m doing taxes.
Pretty much the same thing, right? I have news, I have course announcements, and I have other things—but those all have to wait until the tax stuff is done. I’ll try to post all the good stuff here on February 1st. Until then, I’m singing Eleven months out of the year It’s fun to be…
The New Year: What’s Your Life’s Theme?
Think of your life as a book. You’re the main character, and you control your own actions, your own goals, your own future. Or maybe you think you don’t. Maybe you’ve handed over your power over your own life to randomness and chaos, to someone else’s direction, to someone else’s philosophy or religion. If you…