Month: November 2009
Happy Thanksgiving!
I’m off today. I get to celebrate the day with most of my family today…all except for my older son, the Air Force Kid, who is still over in the Middle East, and who is in my thoughts today. I hope you have a wonderful day. I’ll be back here tomorrow. 😀 Download as PDFPrint…
The Complete HTRYN Course Description
Yesterday and part of the day before, I spent 19 hours putting together the course description for How To Revise Your Novel. That was one of the last big tasks I still had to do before the course goes live (briefly) for HTTS students and HTRYN Priority List members. Tomorrow, I’ll put up walkthroughs of…
It’s 2:49 AM. Do you know where YOUR writer is?
I’ve been working since about 10 this morning. Time off for meals, no time off for good behavior. I got my moderators set up in How To Revise Your Novel. I got sign-up pages set up and tested. I got all the kinks worked out of the class itself. (That I could find, anyway.) I…
No Words Tonight
This is the last week before the EarlyBird version of How To Revise Your Novel goes live, and I’m putting together the Lesson 1 Demo. Will be galloping all week getting the last parts of everything I need to have in place done before next week’s course registration. I’ve been working since 9:30 AM, and…
NOT A Beautiful Day In The Neighborhood
Took tonight to write an interlude scene, one set in the world of Story, in a land spun by a once-popular, now-forgotten dying man. It’s about what happens to our creations we are gone and no one remains to remember them. I got a little choked up writing it—odds are going I’m going to have…
WABWM On Saturday
Still the weekend for me. Be back with more words for TalysMana tomorrow. For today, though, how are yours coming? Download as PDFPrint Page
It’s been a loooooong week. I’m between naps right now, and not gonna write tonight or tomorrow night. I’m cheering on your words though. Pretty sure at least one person is going to finish a story tonight. (Greg—D&D?) Anyway. How’s it going? Download as PDFPrint Page
The Girl Behind Curtain Number #3
So I finished the second scene/ chapter of Talysmana. I went waaaay over budget with my word count for the day, writing 1086 words. (If you’re playing Write A Book With Me and matching me for words, stop at 500, and I’m sorry about the overrun.) But I got the scene. I found out a…
Fractured skull, concussion, cracked ribs, and strangulation marks
Interesting writing tonight, as I discovered more about what happened to Kettan that she doesn’t remember, and more about why it might have happened. I’ll finish this scene tomorrow and post it to the mailing list on the TalysMana website. Nate has definitely put himself deep in the ‘bad boyfriend’ zone. I don’t like this…
ER, With A Side Of Law
Kettan, in the ER, explains to the cops the trouble her boyfriend Nate has been having the past year. 530 words, and the trouble he’s been having isn’t quite what I imagined when I started writing the scene. It’s a lot less obvious and a lot more interesting. Two more working nights and I’ll have…