Month: March 2009
Rebel Tales Writers’ Guidelines Now Posted
They read like a short, curmudgeonly course on how to write fiction, but I have them up and posted. You can read them here: Rebel Tales Writers’ Guidelines As noted elsewhere, I’m NOT ready for submissions yet. But you may have to write a whole new story to fit the guidelines, so I’ve posted them…
Building Rome In A Day, or How Not to Move
Somewhere along the way, someone told me something was impossible. Actually, I know exactly where and when. It was my first day of seventh-grade art class, and my art teacher told me that the gray in the center of the color wheel, that color representative of what you got when you mixed all the colors,…
Keynote Address From The 2009 International Conference on Climate Change
More on Global Warming. Global Climate Crisis… Weather… Whatever. And my previous posts on same. Download as PDFPrint Page
A Tale Of Two ISPs, (or… As You Don’t Like It Very Much)
Short version… we moved. That might be enough information right there to explain my extended absence, the dead weblog, the missing newsletter, my MIA status on the Think Sideways boards. Long version… … we had an opportunity to get back to a place we missed, to our family, to our people, and the window on…