Month: April 2008
Page-Turning Scenes Cover Art
Getting close now. Download as PDFPrint Page
The Air Force Kid Update
Aaaaaghh! I should have details, but I am so grateful for what I do have that I’m posting it anyway. Have not heard from the AFK in ages, because he’s been doing missions—he warned me in advance that this would be the case, and in theory I should have been at least relatively calm, because…
What Do You Want In the Newsletter?
I’m just about to a sanity point. Just about finished with a whole bunch of work, just about to have a breather before the next work starts. That’s a good time to ask questions and think about the answers. So. You probably know I do a writing newsletter. (Holly Lisle’s Writing Updates) Odds are fairly…
Beta Version Of Page-Turning Scenes Is Done
The first draft of How To Write Page-Turning Scenes is finished. It came in at 92 pages (which means it’s a full course, not one of the Critical Skills short courses I’d planned to make it), and after I finish putting in the beta test worksheet, I’ll upload it into the February Sucks bundle so…
Two Little Miracles
The kid checked out the disastrous Painted Lady experiment just a few minutes ago, and discovered that, in spite of everything, (including fire ants, handling, bumping, dropping, and his dad and me looking at those pathetic little chrysalids every night once the kid was asleep and being sure they were dead), he had two very…
It’s Out There (The Ruby Key is Live)
I’ve been haunting the local bookstore, and THE RUBY KEY isn’t on the shelves yet, so it didn’t really dawn on me that people are already reading it. But Tina already has a review up (and is giving a copy away), and I’m not ready. I knit two pairs of Genna’s socks to give away,…
Death and Painted Ladies
So we got our kid a Painted Lady butterfly kit as part of his science education this year–if you watch kids’ or educational channels, you’ve seen these kits on TV. The ads appeal to the scientist in kids, and to the “hey, cool” factor in parents, so we willingly sent off for the butterfly treehouse,…
Page-Turning Scenes Leaps Forward
I’ve hit an important milestone with Page-Turning Scenes–my planned “finished” wordcount. Rolled over 15,000 words today. I’m not finished. There’s so much that’s important in writing a good scene, and while it always looks simple on the surface, it’s when you dig deeper that you discover termites in the foundation and bugs under the rocks.…
How Thinking Sideways is Different Than A Whack On The Side of The Head
I’m doing this as a separate post because I figured it was going to be invisible in comments. (Where I originally answered the question.) Here’s the question I got: KalevTait Says: April 13th, 2008 at 12:09 pm I don’t know how related it is, but you might want to look at ‘A whack on the…
The Writer’s Heart
I’m going to point you at a relatively new weblog I discovered called THE WRITER’S HEART, written by Charles Towne. Towne has a way with wildlife and photography, and has had adventures of astonishing and frightening sorts…and his weblog is a lot of fun to read. Better yet, he’s an opinionated cuss, which I find…