Month: June 2007
And on to saner things, plus Book Giveaway update
The GREEN MAGIC I proposal left at the beginning of the week, unmentioned and unlauded, but done at last to my satisfaction. HAWKSPAR is unresolved–I won’t know anything more about it until I hear back from my agent, Robin. And I am in the midst of happier–much happier–things. THE RUBY KEY, you see, felt short…
So. HAWKSPAR…long story short.
It ain’t all over yet, but here’s what happened with HAWKSPAR, and where I am now: Back in November-ish of last year, the editor working with me on HAWKSPAR (we’ll leave names out of this) told me about 55,000 words needed to come out of the 190,000-word story if I wanted to have it printed…
Skitch & Mr. Picassohead
My Skitch Your Skitch Mr. Picassohead Download as PDFPrint Page
Hugs Download as PDFPrint Page
Cool Tech A couple of times on your site, you’ve mentioned the usefulness of things like the BlackBerry. Being able to write your ideas down wherever you are, whenever you get them. I stumbled upon this little gizmo on some forum, can’t recall which, but it seems to do a hell of a lot better than…
Shipping List #4
Yet more books packed and ready to go. Here are the folks for whom they’re set aside: tambo Spring Gem shawna Deathbyabsurdity Jacquelyn WritingAngel KaosTheory cherylp Starspoon87 laceysavage MattScudder Jackie If you’re in the US, go ahead and use the PayPal link at the top left corner of this page to pay $9.95. I’ll get…
<thud, thud> International shipping is on hold while I await the arrival of Customs Form Envelope 2976E, which has to hold Customs Form 2976A. 7-10 business days. This would be SO much easier if I had a car, and didn’t live 20 miles from town. Download as PDFPrint Page
SALE on Print Clinics
ALL PRINT VERSION CLINICS $2 OFF Regular Price $19.95 Wednesday, June 20th through Sunday, June24th Download as PDFPrint Page
Sending Books
Batch of books going out tomorrow. Check your e-mails then for notification. And the customs labels arrived. I’ll go over international shipping regulations one more time, then let folks know what postage will be. Download as PDFPrint Page