Month: February 2007
Cover Art: Plot Clinic
Wanted something shadowy and just a little bit sinister—plotting being the arcane, twisty art that it is. This is what I came up with. Back to work. The words, the words are calling…. And I definitely must revise the Character Clinic cover to match the rest of the covers. Soon. Very soon. Download as PDFPrint…
Pages finished
I’m on page 63, love what I got, brain is frazzled. So I’m going to take a short break, put together the Create A Plot cover, and come back to this when my eyes aren’t crossed and see if I can get another set of pages done. The Air Force Kid and his wife are…
Quick note on the rewrite
I just now, right now, figured out why the bard with his haunted harp and the silver huntress with her blind hounds were chasing the kids. (I thought I knew all along, of course.) It’s terrific, it surprised the socks off of me, and I can’t wait to get to the scenes where I get…
Working since way before dawn
I’ve made my words for the day. It’s been hard going. My RPE (Required Pages to Edit) for my one-pass revision requires that I edit 30 pages a day to get this done in time to type in all the edits and new additions. For those interested in writing neep, it breaks down like this:…
Revision, the Friday Snippet, and the next Clinic
I started ripping The Ruby Key apart in my head about an hour after I finished the first draft. I was going to start in on it on Friday, but Friday rolled around and I realized I wasn’t quite ready. So I made myself not look at the book until today (actually, I’m printing it…
Ruby Key first draft is done
Landed the ending, and I’m already thinking of the scenes I need to add to fill this thing out. And I’m excited about what I already have, which is always a plus. I’m going to give myself a day off to think about other things, though. Then I’ll print the manuscript and One-Pass revise it.…
Create A Culture Clinic now in print
Here’s the link to the print version of the Create A Language Clinic. And one to the print storefront, in case you want to browse. The print version is a ringbound workbook, the same as the character and language clinics. Very happy to finally have it finished, and I hope those of you who prefer…
Which writing clinic do you need most?
Most or soonest. {democracy:4} Feel free to suggest clinics I haven’t thought of, and to expand on your choices or reasons wanting a particular clinic in comments. Download as PDFPrint Page