Month: November 2006
I had a dream
FADE IN: EXT. SIDEWALK – DAY Through her eyes, we see the hands and forearms of a young woman pushing a wheelchair. In the wheelchair, we see the back of a bald, liver-spotted head and the thin, vein-roped arms of an OLD MAN. Young woman and OLD MAN are moving at a brisk pace along…
The Tonk need a rescue
Talyn debuts in paperback today. With luck, you’ll find it in local indie bookstores, where real people order books, and where support for my work has been strong. If you don’t have an indie store, then you may find it in your local chain bookstore, but computers order the books for chains, and they order…
If you don’t have time to fix it, don’t break it.
Okay. Fixing SEARCH is much, much more complicated than swapping out a line. It’s broke, it’s totally trashed, and I’m on deadline, so I’ll find some temporary template and plug that in for a while. Apologies. Download as PDFPrint Page
Flying Ruby
The Ruby Key revision is flying for me today. I’ve also been able to do a lot of worldbuilding, and I cannot begin to describe how much I’m enjoying WriteItNow. Not having to work in three separate windows to add in new terms, develop characters and backgrounding, and work in the manuscript itself has helped…
Got the proposal off to Robin, and Jenny Crusie puts one into the net
The REFUGEE proposal is out the door and with Robin now. Finishing it took all morning, but I’m very happy with what I got. And you have to read this post by Jenny Crusie on Clue Cake, Anonymity, and Other Unprofessional Behavior. It’s brilliant, and she’s right. Download as PDFPrint Page
Back, slightly rested
I hope your Thanksgiving was good (if you celebrate Thanksgiving). Mine was. Got to see my older son again; first time since last Christmas. He’s now stationed within sorta-driving distance. It’s a trek, but at least it isn’t the other side of the country, or the other side of the planet. Writingwise, I did nothing…
Want to read an inspirational story about a writer and his work?
Ray Anthony and how he became a writer, in his own words. The rest of his site. I loved this. I hope you do, too. Download as PDFPrint Page
Gorgeous surprise
An editor whose name I have known since before I was writing, and whose authors have been almost uniformly effusive in their praise, was asking around about me, and when she talked to my agent, asked to see something by me. I’ve never met her, never written for her, never even written for her house.…
The RUBY KEY math
60,000 words ~4434 words per chapter ~14 chapters 4.25 chapters completed 9.75 chapters remaining UPDATE: Deadline March 2007. I stalled out on the podcast. So I’m back to writing. Not making much progress there, either. Going to see today if I can find out what the Ruby Key’s deadline is. Knowing makes it easier to…
Or catch up. I spent Friday, Saturday, and Sunday with recurrences of the same headache I had Thursday, making for a decidedly unpleasant weekend overall. I can’t be sure the damned thing won’t be back today, so I’m hauling ass through the podcast (voted Podcast With Worst Sound EVER by an independent study—I’m so sorry),…