Month: June 2006
Madhouse, madhouse, madhouse. Deadlines far as the eye can see. I’m alive, damned grateful I got my blood pressure fixed before this stuff got bad, swamped. Will be back with real posts at some point. Ye ghods. Download as PDFPrint Page
I wrote a poem some years ago that gave me an idea for a series of stories I really wanted to write. Seven Accursed tempted me and fascinated me, but I was constantly on deadline, and I never got around to writing it. It came back to me, fully as tempting as it was back…
First Three Chapters of Create A Language Clinic Available
You can read them here. Download as PDFPrint Page
In Support of My Affiliates, with Thanks
This is a little off-topic to the subject of book writing, but totally on the subject of book marketing, which all writers have to consider doing. I’m not a great marketer, and I don’t know what makes effective advertising, other than word of mouth. But I figured I was willing to pay well for people…
Site Update
For those who didn’t get the e-mail, I’ve resurrected the Affiliate Support Board, this time with what I hope will prove a less spammable board. Those of you who don’t know about the site affiliate program are welcome to drop by, and affiliates are encouraged to rejoin. We’re having a contest with cash prizes for…
Got the Words
Night Echoes started falling into place today. Got 2000 words. Will work on Hawkspar this afternoon. Right now, I’m starting into an open-ended fantasy proposal that has to be put together by next Monday. I am mapping, worldbuilding, language creating, and character-developing like mad—paper flies from my fingertips like lightning from the hands of mad…
News on Jim Baen
Posted on Baen’s Bar this morning at 7:34 am ET Dear Friends of Jim Baen and Baen Books, At this time we regret we are unable to give you positive news regarding Jim’s condition. As many of you know, last Monday Jim suffered a stroke. The doctors describe it as a massive bilateral stroke in…
So Far Today, Have Ripped Out A Thousand Words …
… have written a thousand words. This is not, we’ll note, the way to make progress. I’m closing on the end of the section that had to be redone, but I wanted to be farther along than I am. I still have enough time to finish the whole book and do a total revision. The…
The Latest Podcast Is Now Available
This is Episode 4: The One On Deadline. Warning: I AM on deadline, so I did not edit this at all. All the ummms and ahhhs are still in there, I did not add music, and I did not tinker with the sound quality. This sucker has NO production values whatsoever. Until I’m done with…
Ten Percent Done on NIGHT ECHOES
Going to have to refigure my schedule tomorrow. I have until the 15th rather than the first, thanks to a bit of leeway offered by my editor, but even so, I want to make sure I get this done with room to do a full revision. But I got my 2000 today, by God, and…