Month: May 2006
A Snippet from The Chapter On Case
Exploring grammatical forms not used much in English is part of the best fun of building languages. Here’s a little snippet from the Create A Language Clinic chapter on Case (Declension). Using Case As A Worldbuilding Tool Let’s play with a sentence in English, creating a couple of new cases to reflect a society very…
Public Service Announcement: Internet Neutrality
“Last summer, the FCC and Courts removed consumer protections on speedy Internet service and handed the phone companies and cable TV a blank check to create preferred service for favored clients. If Congress does not put these protections back soon, it could be a lot harder to reach your church or school, your local businesses…
Storm Toasted Our Modem
With apologies for my absence, I’ve been without Internet since Sunday when a storm blew through, took out our power for a couple of hours, and toasted our modem. We just got it fixed, I’m catching up with a ton of mail, and I’ll be back tomorrow. Download as PDFPrint Page
Favorite Lines Snippet, Blood Pressure, and Stuff
A tiny, tiny snippet of today’s 2000 words from the Create A Language Clinic, from the section on creating adjectives and adverbs: We can, in other words, noun our verbs, verb our nouns, wring adjectives and adverbs and anything else we might want out of everything including the kitchen, the sink, and the cockroach beneath…
Public Service Announcement: 20 Worst Agents Listing
Due to the recent flap between Barbara Bauer and Absolute Write, I’m reprinting the 20 Worst Agents list from SFWA: * The Abacus Group Literary Agency * Allred and Allred Literary Agents (refers clients to “book doctor” Victor West of Pacific Literary Services) * Barbara Bauer Literary Agency * Benedict Associates (also d/b/a B.A. Literary…
Over 10,000 Words on Language Clinic
The Language Clinic has rolled over 10,000 words (the original concept here was to write a 3,000-word chapter and make that available quickly). I estimate that I’m now around the halfway mark. No chance whatsoever of finishing it tomorrow. Good chance of finishing it next week. I’m having huge fun with it, though, and I…
Separated At Birth
Separated At Birth? Faye Dunaway post facelift Madame, with Waylon Flowers Who’da thunk? Download as PDFPrint Page
First Chapter of I SEE YOU Is Up
Put the first chapter of I SEE YOU on the site, will get the second one up in the next week or so, and then the third a week or two after that. I hope you enjoy. Download as PDFPrint Page
I SEE YOU: Romantic Times Top Pick
Just got the news from Michelle Rowen that I See You got 4 1/2 stars and a Top Pick from Romantic Times. Here’s a quote from the review: “Talk about putting readers on the edge of their seats! Lisle’s new thriller is a gut-wrenching combination of terror and romance, with a touch of the paranormal.…
Lovely Language Geekdom
I’m up to 44 print-ready pages on the Language Clinic, and I’m not even halfway. The Language-Building Clinic was supposed to be a single chapter in the Worldbuilding Clinic book, but it’s expanding wildly. Here’s a snippet from today’s work. The English Issue, From the Language Builder’s Perspective The problem with having English as your…