Month: March 2006

  • So Very Cool

    I was a complete podcast neophyte when I decided to put mine together, and I’m just now exploring the podcasts other people have done. I discovered Tim King, who does be the story. I’d listened to a few of his early episodes shortly after doing my first one, but didn’t realize until last night, when…

  • Working My Way Through Worldbuilding

    My agent and I have been waiting for news on the new direction (which is actually an older direction I wanted to take, and a previous proposal from two years ago, resuscitated). There were two proposals from back then that might have been the one Claire wanted to see, and neither Robin nor I were…

  • Podcast Episode I: The One With the Fangs

    New episode of Holly Lisle On Writing is up. The first real episode, actually. You can go to the website linked above, where you can get the links for the great music I’ve used as bumpers, and find out a bit more about the show. Or you can simply click the little player in the…

  • So. About the Writing.

    So. Penguin. The EMT Proposal is toast. We’re discussing me going in an entirely different direction. I’m not posting details until we’ve sealed the deal, because there are some things about it that I might not be completely free to discuss. It isn’t what I’d planned on, but it does offer some interesting possibilities. Download…

  • The News on Judi

    The news on Judi is not good. Her treatments were withheld because she was too weak for them, and she is listless and weakening. Please send your prayers and thoughts her way. Download as PDFPrint Page

  • I’m Redesigning the Site

    Quick note: I’m reworking the site. Things might get a bit rubble-ous for a bit. Front page is in beta. What do you think? Download as PDFPrint Page

  • Holly Lisle On Writing

    Holly Lisle On Writing So … This is my surprise. I have a crap microphone, but I’ll upgrade that fairly soon. Meanwhile, this is just the intro episode. Take a look, have a listen, see what you think. Download as PDFPrint Page

  • What’s Going On

    I haven’t fallen off the edge of the earth. I’m doing crits and worldbuilding workshops, and waiting out word from one editor on whether a project will fly (with a terrible case of nerves), and starting into the manuscript rewrites for the other editor . . . And working on a secret project that I’ll…

  • Update on Judi

    Judi is back in the hospital, this time with renal failure. More as I find out. Prayers are welcome. Download as PDFPrint Page

  • Worked Out the Bugs, and Cady Is Live

    I’m sending the cleaned-up, shrunken-down, revised version of HTCB to the three folks who ordered the first version before I could yank it down. For everyone else, Hunting the Corrigan’s Blood now ships at a lean and lovely 1.4 MB file size, is optimized for print for folks who want to save paper, and is…