Month: July 2005
Take a look at Talyn‘s new cover. I received a bindery copy today, courtesy of Anna Genoese, and it’s GORGEOUS! And, omigawd, the maps in the interior are amazing. And it smells good. It’s heavy. The paper feels rich and velvet-edged. God, but I’m happy with this book. Tor really did it right. Download as…
The Kid Graduated Basic
Yesterday, my older son finished the last of Air Force basic training and graduated. He has base liberty and a couple of days of town pass before he and several of the guys he graduated with go on to their tech school, the Defense Language Institute Foreign Language Center, at Presidio of Monterey, where they’ll…
Amazon/ WalMart
Fascinating discussion here about the difference between Amazon numbers and WalMart numbers. Link via Alison Kent As someone who, for the first time in my career, has (with my debut into suspense) landed a couple of titles on WalMart shelves, I’m more than a bit interested in what effect this will really have on my…
Finished Second Version of Outline
I’ll take the weekend and make sure that it’s okay, and send it off to my agent on Monday. I’m happy with it right now, though. Download as PDFPrint Page
Got What I Need
This rough east-cost map (located by Jim Woosley), made it clear that I had one place in Costa Rica where I could drop my wreck and use the methods I want to use to have my folks find it. Boca del Rio Colorado, which serves as the border between Costa Rica and Nicaragua. Isla Brava,…
Need Some Research Help with the Onyx Proposal
I’m looking for topographical maps or images of the seafloor off the east coast of Costa Rica, out to about five miles — though more would be better than less — and preferably presented on the web, though if the maps are attainable through simple, reasonably-priced purchase (twenty bucks max), that would be okay, too.…
New Reader Review of TALYN Up
Teribella at Rain On Tulips has put up a good review of Talyn. No big spoilers; take a look. Download as PDFPrint Page
And — Hidden Talent Quiz
Your Hidden Talent You have the power to persuade and influence others. You’re the type of person who can turn a whole room around. The potential for great leadership is there, as long as you don’t abuse it. Always remember, you have a lot more power over people than you might think! What’s Your Hidden…
Personality Quiz
You are dreamy, peaceful, and young at heart. Optimistic and caring, you tend to see the best in people. You tend to be always smiling – and making others smile. You are shy and intelligent… and a very hard worker. You’re also funny, but many people don’t see your funny side. Your subtle dry humor…
New Weblog Names
So here are the four choices I’ve so far come up with. REMARKABLY SUCCESSFUL A back-of-the-cover quote on my second novel, Bones of the Past, from publisher Jim Baen about my first novel, Fire in the Mist, which won the Compton Crook, sold well beyond anyone’s expectations, and stayed in print continuously for about ten…