Month: June 2005
WFH1 Returns
Five. Count ’em — FIVE. Revision requests. All honest-to-God minor. One an "at your discretion." Have to take a couple days off from C, but this will be a sweet, clean, quick edit. I’m so relieved. Download as PDFPrint Page
Bad News For Pizza Lovers
Consider this a public service announcement. Download as PDFPrint Page
Are You Doing What You Want With Your Life?
I’m going to recommend two books that have nothing to do with writing and everything to do with being a writer, if that’s what you want in your life. Or with figuring out what it is that you do want, if you aren’t sure — and then making it happen, which is, of course, the…
Eminent Domain Bites Judge Who Favored It
You’ve heard about the Supreme Court voting to permit broad interpretation of eminent domain in states that did not protect private ownership rights? Well, revenge is sweet. Seems a developer has applied to take one of the justices’ homes. And in the very state where the Supreme Court voted not to support private property rights,…
Well, It Was A Nice Review, Anyway
Last Girl Dancing was a July Top Pick in romantic suspense in Romantic Times. The reviewer said, “Add Lisle’s name to the list of exceptional romantic suspense authors. Gritty drama, eerie paranormal twists and heart-pounding suspense make Last Girl Dancing well worth the price.” Of course, I’ve probably slaughtered my chance of ever working in…
Explicit Sex and Censorship
First, here’s my nomination for a working definition of the romance genre: “Romantic fiction, or romance, means what readers decide it means.” Second, I don’t enjoy reading explicit sex scenes. Might as well be right up front about that. Not because they offend me, but because at two points in my life, I decided to…
Please Remember Mary’s Son
Please remember Mary’s son as he undergoes surgery today for testicular cancer. LATE ADDITION: Mary — any news?WEDNESDAY: I’ll leave this at the top of the page until Friday as a reminder that you’re waiting for biopsy results. We’ll keep him in our thoughts. SUNDAY: Good news! Read the comments. Download as PDFPrint Page
4.5 Stars – Fantastic
Romantic Times gives LAST GIRL DANCING 4.5 stars. “Fantastic,” on their rating scale. Have to get the magazine to see what they actually say. Will do that, because it’s nice to be able to quote good reviews on the front page. And because, dammit, I want to know what they said. He who lives by…
Finished Line-For-Scene, Pages Flowing Well
There are some areas in what I’m writing that feel heavy-handed to me — plot-expositional and not scene-powerful. However, overall, I’m both pleased and excited on my progress with C. I’m edging toward the point where I’m tempted to post a snippet. I have more than sixty pages of the story done (in first draft,…
Weighty Issue
Are you dying to be skinny? Monica, in discussing dating, mentioned white guys and weight. Which got me thinking. It’s no big secret that women, and especially white women, are obsessed with weight. We generally inherited the obsession from our mothers (mine was thrilled by the fact that she could live on 650 calories a…