Month: April 2005
The Roe Effect
My friend Jim Woosley pointed out to me that I wasn’t first in my theory regarding the affects of abortion on conservative demographics in the US. In fact, he directed me to James Taranto, who has apparently written about what he’s labelled “the Roe Effect” several times. So while I’m pleased at myself for having…
Got the Words
Finished with 35,614 words, which puts me solidly over 3000 for the day. My sick folk are awake, though, and needing my attention, so I’m quitting there. Back tomorrow. Download as PDFPrint Page
WFH1 Today
Started at 32338 words. Have done more than two thousand already, and am going to keep working on this as long as I hold up today, to see if I can make up for lost time. Download as PDFPrint Page
“Play It Again”
Proposal #8, Version 3 off to Robin. It took much longer than I wanted, and I have accomplished nothing else while I’ve been working on it. I probably won’t hear anything back until late next week, either, because though Kara might see it and like it, Claire still has to get back pre-order numbers before…
How You Can Help
In the Reinventing Myself comments, Michelle asked how she could help. Other folks have asked privately. I finally had an idea of something my readers here could do that might help. This may be too little, too late. But one thing you can do, if you like the chapter of LAST GIRL DANCING that I…
New Directions
Yesterday I had a long discussion with Robin (my agent), the second in two days. Along with figuring out how to rewrite the Onyx proposal, we formulated the beginnings of a strategy for moving on and out. We might not need it, but then again, we might. I ended up spending time shooting a bunch…
New Pages
Behind the Door/ Mind Mandala Cynicism/ What Matters Finding Silence/ Keeping Me Download as PDFPrint Page
Today, The Midpoint, and the Tempo Shift
I’m starting into the next 3000 words of WFH1 now. And today I’ll pass the midpoint, and start into the scene where everything changes for my MC — where everything twists — and where the tempo of the book accelerates from fast to faster. Beyond the midpoint, it’s technically a downhill slide, constant acceleration, twists…
Proposal 8, Version 2 On Its Way
We’re in the last rounds of this for now. I like the proposal I did, I’d love to write the book. We’ll see how it goes. Download as PDFPrint Page
Last Girl Dancing — Chapter 1
Last Girl Dancing — Chapter 1 © 2005, Holly Lisle, All Rights Reserved This is pre-copyedit copy. It may differ slightly from the final version, and may not be copied, reproduced, or quoted in any form or format. Deep blue satin bustier, blue satin G-string, carefully applied make-up that covered and filled in the gapped…